Yo~! YESTERDAY evening, I went to climb, my ass hurts~
TODAY morning~! I went badminton... nearly 2 hours.... my ASS hurts~!
OMGGGGGGG~!! HAHA im soooooo dead tmr morning XD and its 3.15am now~!
But we should all enjoy our teenage years =))) it'd be a waste if we didn't~!
So yeahhhh, after going badminton, came home and took a nap
Woke up in the evening, for dinner LULZ~!
Got ready, fetched up my pals =)
I was.. a little late XD
DROVE to MOS, the queue was LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG~! We were lucky to get in =) one of my friends knows someone who got us the passes. Halloween eve! no wonder so many~!
You know whatttt, we were late, we were afraid that we couldn't get in, so I dropped my friends off first
Then I went around looking for parking. NO PARKING~! Seriouslyyyyyyyyyyy~ It's crazy man... Everywhere there is cars~!
In the end my friend called me, saying that she needed me to be there to go in LOL~!
So, what DID I do? I just
Yes, I just really really really really really really really really WANTED a parking.
AND, to my surprise, ONE APPEARED OUT OF NOWEHRE! a car reversed out
I was like... OH SHIT, maybe the person in front of me wants to take the parking! oh no~!
Then the he didn't take the parking~! SO THE PARKING WAS MINE~!!!!!! =))))
You just need to WANT something bad enough, to get it.
The reason we don't get a lot of things in life, is because we want it, but not to the extent where we'll put in the effort or mindset to get it.
The mind is a powerful tool, the subconcious knows no limits
You think that, everything is physical? That physical is more important? that physical more powerful than mental strength?
Your so so so so incorrect my friend =) Everything in this world requires mental strength and mindset.
And you might know this, but do you apply it? It's two different things. So that's y I'm mentioning it =)
You might know this, and not believe in it.
Everything. Attraction, sex, studies, human relations, you name it, it's all about the mind and how we condition our minds to think and apply it physically.
It all starts from the mind. Most people just say... "yes, i know i know, i know what you mean"
No, you won't really know until you can really practice it =) it's not something so simple
Nothing is simple until you truly understand it. Why do you think most guys in general find most girls in general complicated? because they dont understand girls. Girls only become simple when they understand them. Simple as that =) am i confusing you? And yeah, in general guys are simple and predictable, soooo, nothing to say on that =)
Back to clubbing~!
After that I rannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn all the way to MOS~
LOL~! the wind felt good =))))
Got there , lined up outside, while waiting for my friend to get us the passes =)))
AFTER THATTTT~! Got in, went on top to drink~! but I just drank coke la~ the rest of my friends mixed alcohol and cokeee =D
In the end, me and aaron went down to the dance floor, went arounddddd~
It was pretty hot la~! the girls on stage too =))) Some of them really can shake ittttt~~ =) it would be nice to dance with them on stage, but guys aren't allowed =)
Soooo, we went around and around and arounddddd~
You know what??? I tried dancing with this girl
But, no reply LOL~! She just looked away, ahhhh, failed XD
Thennnn, second attempt, another girllllll, you know what?
I put my hand around her waist, then her friend pushed my hand away LOLZ~! ahhhh, failed again XD but it's okayyyy =) maybe i'll learn how to initiate it properly next time =D
I probably used the wrong approach~~~~ =)
WELL, there were a few times me and aaron were like close to the stage. next to it actually
Seeing the girls shake their assets off in CLEAR and NEAR view is really really really awesomeeeee =))) no words can describe it lolzzzzz~!
Heyyyy, if a guy doesn't look at girls something is wrong kay~~ haha~! XD oh well, I think I just need more confidence to dance with girls
SADLY, we had to end early... My friend had to go back home
SOOOO, we left at 2 =(((( I would've wanted to stay for another hour
Drove home, but yeahhh, I DID drive a bit fast laaaa....
I really need to control myself... I just always drive a slow van, so when I get a fast one I just... LOL
But yeahhhhh, I feel bad la... my mom adviced me not to drive fast, but I still do. Haiz, I really need to just ... control myself and think rationally.
My mom raised me pretty well la =) I'm glad I turned out this way =)
Sooooo, here I am blogging, with my whole body aching XD
oh well~! tmr, helping my friend shift his stuffs from his condo~
I wonder what time i'll wake up?
Just for fun =D Nightz folks~! =D twas a good night indeed =)))
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
It's a full moon tonight =)
Hey, I just got back home. Did you know it's a beautiful full moon? When I got out of my car, the dim light shined down on me. I looked at myself. And I thought. It was quite an experience tonight.
Well, prom was great and all, but it was what happened after that made me feel the night was kind of special.
IT was my second time emcee-ing
We reached one world around 10am. started rehearsing, I was a bit tense the whole day
When you are tense you tend to be kind of nervous about yourself.
HAHA! You know, damn funny, Dato Teo belanja us rm500, so mr hoo went and you know, buy us 40 sets of BURGER KING LMAO!
We ifnished everything... except... THE FRIES!
So you know what we did? WE dumped ALL the fries to one area, then we started to eat. 2kgs+ of fries i tell you! vs 9 of us sc members
Sc members lost la XD
We still left about 1.5kgs of fries ahahahah!!!
Damn killer wei those fries XD So we threw it into the dustbin.. SO WASTE LMAO!HAHA!
After that, went home.
Went back, relaxed on my bed a while, then after dressing up, I went to the saloon
I don't have pics now, maybe next time XD I will post some pics up =D
After that, went to one world, met many people.
MM... to be honest I missed out a few important lines. Like important ones la.
I do feel bad... But I shouldn't beat myself too hard. I should just learn from it and do better next time =)
I did do not bad, maybe above average, definitely better than when I emceed last years prom. But still there is room for improvement =))))
Anyhow, hmmm, didn't eat much, thanks meow for saving me some food lolz! if you read this XD
Most of the tables were full XD so didn't really have anywhere to sit.
fries = cancer XD
I went around, talked to people =D I felt that, I should try to entertain everyone I can =D So I went around talking to people XD
That was before emceeing XD
Then we had a slow dance session, danced with sheng khang and kerina. ROFL!
When I was with sheng khang it was kinda gay la... lol. But it was........ an experience! To dance with another guy XD
Then, when dance with kerina EVER FUNNIER!!! SHe is such a pleasant person! and so nice to get along with XD we ended up talking about other ppl dancing, it was pretty hilarious. Talk about her boyfren working etc etc! SO FUNNY! While we are SLOW DANCING!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Had much fun =))))) she's superbly nice =D
Went wild on the dance floor with my super spinning move too XD haahah! I soooo need to practice that XD
After that, in the dressing room, we had one de-briefing.
Our president, dwayne, sincerely thanked everyone in the room. I think that is really important.
And that is why I think he is a really great president. He understands the importance of every individual in completing the puzzle.
And he really cares for us all.
Though, he has class tomorrow la, so he couldn't join us for yamcha XD
Oh! Funny thing happened
Funny and enlightening
You see, after that, I had to fetch two friends home
But one of my friend needed a newspaper for her assignement or something.
Point is, she really desperately needed it, or she will die by her lecturer's hands lmao
So we went around hunting for NST newspaper XD went to 3 7 11s, couldnt find any!
So fetched my other fren back first cuz his house nearby
Then after that.... WE GO ESSO PETROL STATION GOT ROFLMAO!!!!! XD So funny!
I guess not many ppl buy paper from esso XD
So after chatting a while sent her home XD it's pretty good. We always talk about intellectual things, really like conversing with her =))) The best thing its natural too =) it's not something forced
Actually, after that I had to go yamcha with my friends... I wanted to go ss2 , but another friends mom was in damansara utama, so we had to go DU. Sorry to those who were in ss2! that I didn't make it >.<>.<
I was like... oh damn... I'm in deep shit
No money... how eh? lesen kena gantung then need to pay rm300
Soooo, I went back to the policemen
me : Bang... ATM saya tak ada wang ... Ibu bapa saya dah ambil keluar dah wang tu"
actually, i dont know why but I couldnt check my balance or withdraw money, so I just used this reason lor... maybe not enough money gua in the acc
"ohhh, kalau begitu... saya kasi satu saman saja la"
omg, i was like OMFG!!!!
Then I said... "erm... kalau saya boleh panggil ibu bapa?"
then the other policeman said "tak payah lah"
me : "atau... saya panggil kawan saya dekat sini?"
he said again "tak payah lahhhhh . you masuk kereta dulu"
i entered the car. He said "kali ni saya kasi chan... lain kali jangan buat lagi."
me : "TERIMA KASIH BANG! saya takkan buat lagi!!" XD
then he said "drive safe... pandu selamat ya"
terima kasih bang!
omgggggggg im so lucky!
But ... then I rushed to the outside medan selera... Then my bianca call me, say they want go home already... so i was.... lol.... its okay laaaa XD So after that I just.. drove home...
Ahhhh, what a day, I didn't make it to either yamcha session XD
But you know what... I think that was quite a good experience
I learned something
If you are polite and humble towards others it greatly improves their impression of you. I mean, he really did let me go because I admitted my mistake from the start and talked to him really politely.
Maybe not exactly the words, but more of the tone.
And .... Perhaps the way I dressed helped also la LMAO!
In the end, I just made him feel that he had the authority.
In the end My licence is not taken away and i didn't have to pay anything!
It was quite a relief =))))
SO SORRY I DIDN'T MAKE IT FOR THE YAMCHA! XDDDD sooo many things happened... I really do have a knack for being late! XD I suppose its not really an excuse la...
After that, I reached home. Got out, And that was when I saw the moon =) And later when I got home, I had a bathe... And funny... the colour spray on my hair started washing away in red droplets. It's just... I felt mesmerized by that moment for some reason. Maybe.... It symbolizes something. Or maybe, I'm just being weird! HAHA!
But overall
It's such a good night =D
Goodnight friends!!! =DDDDD
Well, prom was great and all, but it was what happened after that made me feel the night was kind of special.
IT was my second time emcee-ing
We reached one world around 10am. started rehearsing, I was a bit tense the whole day
When you are tense you tend to be kind of nervous about yourself.
HAHA! You know, damn funny, Dato Teo belanja us rm500, so mr hoo went and you know, buy us 40 sets of BURGER KING LMAO!
We ifnished everything... except... THE FRIES!
So you know what we did? WE dumped ALL the fries to one area, then we started to eat. 2kgs+ of fries i tell you! vs 9 of us sc members
Sc members lost la XD
We still left about 1.5kgs of fries ahahahah!!!
Damn killer wei those fries XD So we threw it into the dustbin.. SO WASTE LMAO!HAHA!
After that, went home.
Went back, relaxed on my bed a while, then after dressing up, I went to the saloon
I don't have pics now, maybe next time XD I will post some pics up =D
After that, went to one world, met many people.
MM... to be honest I missed out a few important lines. Like important ones la.
I do feel bad... But I shouldn't beat myself too hard. I should just learn from it and do better next time =)
I did do not bad, maybe above average, definitely better than when I emceed last years prom. But still there is room for improvement =))))
Anyhow, hmmm, didn't eat much, thanks meow for saving me some food lolz! if you read this XD
Most of the tables were full XD so didn't really have anywhere to sit.
fries = cancer XD
I went around, talked to people =D I felt that, I should try to entertain everyone I can =D So I went around talking to people XD
That was before emceeing XD
Then we had a slow dance session, danced with sheng khang and kerina. ROFL!
When I was with sheng khang it was kinda gay la... lol. But it was........ an experience! To dance with another guy XD
Then, when dance with kerina EVER FUNNIER!!! SHe is such a pleasant person! and so nice to get along with XD we ended up talking about other ppl dancing, it was pretty hilarious. Talk about her boyfren working etc etc! SO FUNNY! While we are SLOW DANCING!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Had much fun =))))) she's superbly nice =D
Went wild on the dance floor with my super spinning move too XD haahah! I soooo need to practice that XD
After that, in the dressing room, we had one de-briefing.
Our president, dwayne, sincerely thanked everyone in the room. I think that is really important.
And that is why I think he is a really great president. He understands the importance of every individual in completing the puzzle.
And he really cares for us all.
Though, he has class tomorrow la, so he couldn't join us for yamcha XD
Oh! Funny thing happened
Funny and enlightening
You see, after that, I had to fetch two friends home
But one of my friend needed a newspaper for her assignement or something.
Point is, she really desperately needed it, or she will die by her lecturer's hands lmao
So we went around hunting for NST newspaper XD went to 3 7 11s, couldnt find any!
So fetched my other fren back first cuz his house nearby
Then after that.... WE GO ESSO PETROL STATION GOT ROFLMAO!!!!! XD So funny!
I guess not many ppl buy paper from esso XD
So after chatting a while sent her home XD it's pretty good. We always talk about intellectual things, really like conversing with her =))) The best thing its natural too =) it's not something forced
Actually, after that I had to go yamcha with my friends... I wanted to go ss2 , but another friends mom was in damansara utama, so we had to go DU. Sorry to those who were in ss2! that I didn't make it >.<>.<
I was like... oh damn... I'm in deep shit
No money... how eh? lesen kena gantung then need to pay rm300
Soooo, I went back to the policemen
me : Bang... ATM saya tak ada wang ... Ibu bapa saya dah ambil keluar dah wang tu"
actually, i dont know why but I couldnt check my balance or withdraw money, so I just used this reason lor... maybe not enough money gua in the acc
"ohhh, kalau begitu... saya kasi satu saman saja la"
omg, i was like OMFG!!!!
Then I said... "erm... kalau saya boleh panggil ibu bapa?"
then the other policeman said "tak payah lah"
me : "atau... saya panggil kawan saya dekat sini?"
he said again "tak payah lahhhhh . you masuk kereta dulu"
i entered the car. He said "kali ni saya kasi chan... lain kali jangan buat lagi."
me : "TERIMA KASIH BANG! saya takkan buat lagi!!" XD
then he said "drive safe... pandu selamat ya"
terima kasih bang!
omgggggggg im so lucky!
But ... then I rushed to the outside medan selera... Then my bianca call me, say they want go home already... so i was.... lol.... its okay laaaa XD So after that I just.. drove home...
Ahhhh, what a day, I didn't make it to either yamcha session XD
But you know what... I think that was quite a good experience
I learned something
If you are polite and humble towards others it greatly improves their impression of you. I mean, he really did let me go because I admitted my mistake from the start and talked to him really politely.
Maybe not exactly the words, but more of the tone.
And .... Perhaps the way I dressed helped also la LMAO!
In the end, I just made him feel that he had the authority.
In the end My licence is not taken away and i didn't have to pay anything!
It was quite a relief =))))
SO SORRY I DIDN'T MAKE IT FOR THE YAMCHA! XDDDD sooo many things happened... I really do have a knack for being late! XD I suppose its not really an excuse la...
After that, I reached home. Got out, And that was when I saw the moon =) And later when I got home, I had a bathe... And funny... the colour spray on my hair started washing away in red droplets. It's just... I felt mesmerized by that moment for some reason. Maybe.... It symbolizes something. Or maybe, I'm just being weird! HAHA!
But overall
It's such a good night =D
Goodnight friends!!! =DDDDD
Thursday, October 21, 2010
If it's love =)
Ahhhhh, its prom night eve! Wonderful =D
Im studying my script... HAHA! im so so not productive XD cursed by a certain someone rofl
In a way I really can't wait for tomorrow, it's been.... 17 months? Since I last emceed a prom =D
But my only job now, is to... RELAX!
Yes. If I get too tense, it'll be so weird ya see. It won't be natural enough. It will feel... Scripted. A good emcee makes a scripted speech sound natural.
It's actually kind of hard, but I shall try nonetheless =D
A bit tense
So yea! Listened to some songs =))) I love this song much!
You know what?
Yeah, I still do believe in true love. Never lost hope in it. It still exists if you know how to look for it.
For those out there, who have been through countless breakups and given up on love. This is for you.
If it's Love - Train
While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it
My feet have been on the floor
Flat like an idle singer
Remember winger
I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life
But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me
Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face
You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again
When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me.
REASONS why I like this song XD
"But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me"
All the time we hear about how terrible and mundane and boring marriage is, so much so that a negative impression has been implanted in our minds about marriage. No, we shouldn't think that way =) marriage is a wonderful thing! Having a family is a good thing =)))) and therefore marriage is a good thing =) That's why, the person you choose to marry would be the greatest thing about you =)
"If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me"
If two people truely love each other, then they would be together, and the rest is really just whenever, meaning that it's natural and it's a go-with-the-flow kind of feel =)
"Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face "
When you have someone you want to stay together, so yeah, there definitely needs to be a place to stay XD and yeah, sometimes cologne smells bad XD It talks about having a family and appreciating life with your kids. And putting your cell phones in the air XD And I think... to be able to love someone from his or her toes to his or her face... must be an incredible feeling =)
"You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again"
Wherever you are from, it's okay to come into my life. No matter what past you had =) It shows forgiveness and understanding of another person. That's really valuable in a relationship =)
"When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you"
Hmmmm, sex? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Im sure this part has some good meaning la XD maybe im just too horny to decipher it in a proper way XD
"If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever "
If you both have the same mindest about loving each other, then the rest is just whenever =D
"If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me. "
It's all about, having the same mindset in a relationship. And if, you both decide it's forever, then it is =) Only then can you both be two birds that flock together =) Forever =)
I hope that, this song appeals to you as much as it does me!
I'm sure you are definintely a loyal reader for reading this far! XD
haha!!! It's probably prom fever XD don't usually talk much about sentimental stuffs XD
I think all of us has the right to express ourselves without having to be judged by others. It's a fear all of us have to overcome.
Have the right friends and have the right attitude. It takes you a long... way =) and often times we ask... why we dont have so many things in life.
Usually, the answer is a lot simpler than we think =)))
Perhaps I'll talk about it some other day! =D
To wrap it all up! Here's the song! =D
p.s. THIS BLOG NEEDS A TOTAL REDESIGN! XD Will do it when i have time ^^
Im studying my script... HAHA! im so so not productive XD cursed by a certain someone rofl
In a way I really can't wait for tomorrow, it's been.... 17 months? Since I last emceed a prom =D
But my only job now, is to... RELAX!
Yes. If I get too tense, it'll be so weird ya see. It won't be natural enough. It will feel... Scripted. A good emcee makes a scripted speech sound natural.
It's actually kind of hard, but I shall try nonetheless =D
A bit tense
So yea! Listened to some songs =))) I love this song much!
You know what?
Yeah, I still do believe in true love. Never lost hope in it. It still exists if you know how to look for it.
For those out there, who have been through countless breakups and given up on love. This is for you.
If it's Love - Train
While everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
And there's a thousand ways you can skin it
My feet have been on the floor
Flat like an idle singer
Remember winger
I digress
I confess you are the best thing in my life
But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me
Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face
You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again
When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever
If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me.
REASONS why I like this song XD
"But I'm afraid when I hear stories
About a husband and wife
There's no happy endings
No Henry Lee
But you are the greatest thing about me"
All the time we hear about how terrible and mundane and boring marriage is, so much so that a negative impression has been implanted in our minds about marriage. No, we shouldn't think that way =) marriage is a wonderful thing! Having a family is a good thing =)))) and therefore marriage is a good thing =) That's why, the person you choose to marry would be the greatest thing about you =)
"If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, Love
That's enough for me"
If two people truely love each other, then they would be together, and the rest is really just whenever, meaning that it's natural and it's a go-with-the-flow kind of feel =)
"Took a loan on a house I own
Can't be a queen bee without a bee throne
I wanna buy ya everything
Except cologne
'cause it's poison
We can travel to Spain where the rain falls
Mainly on the plain side and sing
'cause it is we can laugh we can sing
Have ten kids and give them everything
Hold our cell phones up in the air
And just be glad we made it here alive
On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face "
When you have someone you want to stay together, so yeah, there definitely needs to be a place to stay XD and yeah, sometimes cologne smells bad XD It talks about having a family and appreciating life with your kids. And putting your cell phones in the air XD And I think... to be able to love someone from his or her toes to his or her face... must be an incredible feeling =)
"You can move in
I won't ask where you've been
'cause everybody has a past
When we're older
We'll do it all over again"
Wherever you are from, it's okay to come into my life. No matter what past you had =) It shows forgiveness and understanding of another person. That's really valuable in a relationship =)
"When everybody else is getting out of bed
I'm usually getting in it
I'm not in it to win it
I'm in it for you"
Hmmmm, sex? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Im sure this part has some good meaning la XD maybe im just too horny to decipher it in a proper way XD
"If it's love
And we're two birds of a feather
Then the rest is just whenever
Then the rest is just whenever "
If you both have the same mindest about loving each other, then the rest is just whenever =D
"If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better
And if I'm addicted to loving you
And you're addicted to my love too
We can be them two birds of a feather
That flock together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
Got to have something to keep us together
Love, love
That's enough for me. "
It's all about, having the same mindset in a relationship. And if, you both decide it's forever, then it is =) Only then can you both be two birds that flock together =) Forever =)
I hope that, this song appeals to you as much as it does me!
I'm sure you are definintely a loyal reader for reading this far! XD
haha!!! It's probably prom fever XD don't usually talk much about sentimental stuffs XD
I think all of us has the right to express ourselves without having to be judged by others. It's a fear all of us have to overcome.
Have the right friends and have the right attitude. It takes you a long... way =) and often times we ask... why we dont have so many things in life.
Usually, the answer is a lot simpler than we think =)))
Perhaps I'll talk about it some other day! =D
To wrap it all up! Here's the song! =D
p.s. THIS BLOG NEEDS A TOTAL REDESIGN! XD Will do it when i have time ^^
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Letter to his son
Saw this on a blog and I HAD to post it =D
Following is a letter to his son from a renowned Hong Kong TV broadcaster cum Child Psychologist. The words are actually applicable to all of us, young or old, children or parents!
My Son,
I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons
1. Life, fortune and mishaps are unpredictable; nobody knows how long he lives. Some words are better said early.
2. I am your father, and if I don’t tell you these, no one else will.
3. Whatever is written are my own personal bitter experiences that perhaps could save you a lot of unnecessary heartaches.
Remember the following as you go through life:
1. Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. No one has the responsibility of treating you well, except your mother and me. To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious, because everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really likes you. You have to be careful; don’t hastily regard him as a real friend.
2. No one is indispensable, nothing in the world that you must possess. Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don’t want you anymore, or when you lose what/whom you love most.
3. Life is short. When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.
4. Love is but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one’s mood. If your so called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness. Don’t over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don’t over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.
5. A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, which does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life. One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!
6. I do not expect you to financially support me when I am old, neither would I financially support your whole life. My responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, you decide whether you want to travel in a public transport or in your limousine, whether rich or poor.
7. You honour your words, but don’t expect others to be so. You can be good to people, but don’t expect people to be good to you. If you don’t understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.
8. I have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but I never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!
9. No matter how much time I have with you, let’s treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.
Your Dad
Wise =)
Following is a letter to his son from a renowned Hong Kong TV broadcaster cum Child Psychologist. The words are actually applicable to all of us, young or old, children or parents!
My Son,
I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons
1. Life, fortune and mishaps are unpredictable; nobody knows how long he lives. Some words are better said early.
2. I am your father, and if I don’t tell you these, no one else will.
3. Whatever is written are my own personal bitter experiences that perhaps could save you a lot of unnecessary heartaches.
Remember the following as you go through life:
1. Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. No one has the responsibility of treating you well, except your mother and me. To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious, because everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really likes you. You have to be careful; don’t hastily regard him as a real friend.
2. No one is indispensable, nothing in the world that you must possess. Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don’t want you anymore, or when you lose what/whom you love most.
3. Life is short. When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.
4. Love is but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one’s mood. If your so called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness. Don’t over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don’t over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.
5. A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, which does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life. One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!
6. I do not expect you to financially support me when I am old, neither would I financially support your whole life. My responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, you decide whether you want to travel in a public transport or in your limousine, whether rich or poor.
7. You honour your words, but don’t expect others to be so. You can be good to people, but don’t expect people to be good to you. If you don’t understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.
8. I have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but I never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!
9. No matter how much time I have with you, let’s treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.
Your Dad
Wise =)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Listen to my Heartbeat
Kill me someone XD
I have woken up early for the past 7 days... TOMORROW IS THE DAY I CAN SLEEP TILL 12!! FINALLYYYYYY!!!! Oh i miss you so morning-where-i-dont-have-to-put-alarm
Since you wont wake me up tmr I can make love to you my dear sweet sweet phone HAHA! =D
So what's been happening for me the past few weeks?
WELLLLLL, second time emceeing my college prom... Wow... When you think of it, not many people have this opportunity. It would be nice to give someone else a chance to emcee a prom. But ahhhhh, things turned out this way somehow.
it's this friday, and I haven't picked out what to wear! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~! Any suggestions XD
Past week was hectic... been waking up early every morning since last sunday. H-A-T-E it!
tmr i can wake up around 12.. im... so happy XD Been rehearsing for our prom
This time we'll be well prepared I figure. Hopefully everyone will have a fun night on friday =D
I climbed yesterday, finger... ah... i really need to do something about it. maybe I can apply that oil i got from oriental... but I don't know where I put it... zomg.
I really need to learn to be , at least a LITTLE organized and a LITTLE less lazy XD It's a huge weakness of mine , yeah XD
come, must psycho myself XD "must, not be. so.lazy. must, not. be. so. lazy. must. *read manga* BWAHHA!!
Oh yea, i finished reading nana to kaoru~ well, the series is ongoing la, so I hv to wait for each episode to come out. SADNESS MAN! waiting kills XD
Today I spent some time with my mom and bro. To be honest I dont remember the last time I went out with them. When I sat in my mom's van I was like.. "wow... haven't let my mom drive me for a longgg time"
Looked for some suits, but couldn't really find what I was looking for. I'll try harder tomorrow
Walking in the old wing I saw some chinese dude on stage. Everyone was taking pictures it was freakishly packed
Then later when I got home I discovered... He's Lam Fung... Some hong kong actor who is the ambassador of alicafe
OH WELL! Kudos to those who got his autograph XD Maybe I'll see him someday on some hong kong drama XD
SO, what's up the past few days? I was really too tired mostly haha XD didn't really chat much oso. Just come home and rest.
Not that I slept early la in the end XD
Lately I've been introduced into network marketing by a friend.
At first I was reluctant of course, cuz yeah, I was lazy and all those factors and bad and risky impressions that we have about business.
But you know what?
I was thinking
What if
There might be a time
Where I really need that money?
Maybe ... someone important is injured
or maybe someone close needs financial aid
or various other reasons
So ya know, I thought, why not prepare for a rainy day?
It might not be a lot of money now... but eventually perhaps it will build up slowly
And even if it doesnt, you dont lose much since you need very little capital to start
So it's a low risk business with a long term kind of payout and slow build up
Don't get me wrong. Truth is, I'm not really into business
I enjoy my course a lot, and I think employment is necessary for my kind of course once I graduate
And I think I will enjoy my work too.
And if things do somehow go well, I might have some extra pocket money to buy clothes and accesories and other things =D
Preparing for a rainy day is one of the reasons, but the other reason
I would say
Is exposure
Yeah, well, employment is totally fine in my opinion if you enjoy your job and satisfied with stable income
But knowing more about business is definitely an advantage as probably it'll expand your horizons and possibilities with your career
Knowing more is never a mistake. The only mistake is we dont try to learn more.
SO I want to expose myself to some network marketing. I don't think it'll do much harm, it's low risk so it's perfect for exposure purposes
But of course, nothing goes as planned in life, things might go well, or things might not go well at all eventhough you expect it to.
And well, maybe if, my family members , or my really close friends might need help somehow... at least I can help a little....
To be honest once again, I'm not someone who wants to go into business. I just feel that, in the end every career is a business. Why not learn more?
Just because you hate a subject in school, doesn't mean you shouldn't learn it.
Along the way maybe I can improve my interpersonal skills somewhat. And various other things
And I probably will meet some insincere people along the way. You can't escape from those kind of people if your doing business. Have to learn how to recognize who they are
I gotta say though, I might have rushed a little bit into the business thing before thinking it fully and knowing how exactly the system works. If it involved bigger risks I probably would have gave it more thought though
So yeah, I do realize, maybe I'm letting myself get convinced a little too quickly or easily without much question.
True, but letting yourself get convinced quickly isn't the problem. The problem is if you don't REALIZE that your letting yourself get convinced quickly.
Ignorance is ultimately a dangerous situation in business.
It's something like..... Someone betrays you. If you expected that guy to betray you all along, then its not so bad. But if someone UNEXPECTEDLY betrays you (a close friend or someone you didnt think would do such a thing) then the impact would definitely be severe mentally. Because you didn't REALIZE he or she would actually betray you.
So yeah, its the unexpected things that we should becareful of.
Hmmmm, been feeling down though, today and yesterday. No idea why.
Something's missing.... Can't really put my finger on it. Feels like my days are a bit empty.
ahhhhh, I guess I shouldn't think too much.
Have you ever listened to another person's heartbeat?
That heartbeat
Means that life is still going on, in another person
Means that emotions are still present, in another person
Means that happiness, sadness, loneliness, kindness, emptiness, vengefulness, forgiveness, and every other emotion is still possible, in another person
Listen to their heartbeat
What does it say? It says
I want to live.
I want to feel.
I want to know.
I want to explore.
I want to savour.
I want to reminiscence.
I want to love.
Each heartbeat speaks all of those, and so much more.
Every one heartbeat carries so much value.
Every heartbeat carries meaning.
Every heartbeat carries Life.
Something so precious... should never be taken for granted...
Kill me someone XD
I have woken up early for the past 7 days... TOMORROW IS THE DAY I CAN SLEEP TILL 12!! FINALLYYYYYY!!!! Oh i miss you so morning-where-i-dont-have-to-put-alarm
Since you wont wake me up tmr I can make love to you my dear sweet sweet phone HAHA! =D
So what's been happening for me the past few weeks?
WELLLLLL, second time emceeing my college prom... Wow... When you think of it, not many people have this opportunity. It would be nice to give someone else a chance to emcee a prom. But ahhhhh, things turned out this way somehow.
it's this friday, and I haven't picked out what to wear! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~! Any suggestions XD
Past week was hectic... been waking up early every morning since last sunday. H-A-T-E it!
tmr i can wake up around 12.. im... so happy XD Been rehearsing for our prom
This time we'll be well prepared I figure. Hopefully everyone will have a fun night on friday =D
I climbed yesterday, finger... ah... i really need to do something about it. maybe I can apply that oil i got from oriental... but I don't know where I put it... zomg.
I really need to learn to be , at least a LITTLE organized and a LITTLE less lazy XD It's a huge weakness of mine , yeah XD
come, must psycho myself XD "must, not be. so.lazy. must, not. be. so. lazy. must. *read manga* BWAHHA!!
Oh yea, i finished reading nana to kaoru~ well, the series is ongoing la, so I hv to wait for each episode to come out. SADNESS MAN! waiting kills XD
Today I spent some time with my mom and bro. To be honest I dont remember the last time I went out with them. When I sat in my mom's van I was like.. "wow... haven't let my mom drive me for a longgg time"
Looked for some suits, but couldn't really find what I was looking for. I'll try harder tomorrow
Walking in the old wing I saw some chinese dude on stage. Everyone was taking pictures it was freakishly packed
Then later when I got home I discovered... He's Lam Fung... Some hong kong actor who is the ambassador of alicafe
OH WELL! Kudos to those who got his autograph XD Maybe I'll see him someday on some hong kong drama XD
SO, what's up the past few days? I was really too tired mostly haha XD didn't really chat much oso. Just come home and rest.
Not that I slept early la in the end XD
Lately I've been introduced into network marketing by a friend.
At first I was reluctant of course, cuz yeah, I was lazy and all those factors and bad and risky impressions that we have about business.
But you know what?
I was thinking
What if
There might be a time
Where I really need that money?
Maybe ... someone important is injured
or maybe someone close needs financial aid
or various other reasons
So ya know, I thought, why not prepare for a rainy day?
It might not be a lot of money now... but eventually perhaps it will build up slowly
And even if it doesnt, you dont lose much since you need very little capital to start
So it's a low risk business with a long term kind of payout and slow build up
Don't get me wrong. Truth is, I'm not really into business
I enjoy my course a lot, and I think employment is necessary for my kind of course once I graduate
And I think I will enjoy my work too.
And if things do somehow go well, I might have some extra pocket money to buy clothes and accesories and other things =D
Preparing for a rainy day is one of the reasons, but the other reason
I would say
Is exposure
Yeah, well, employment is totally fine in my opinion if you enjoy your job and satisfied with stable income
But knowing more about business is definitely an advantage as probably it'll expand your horizons and possibilities with your career
Knowing more is never a mistake. The only mistake is we dont try to learn more.
SO I want to expose myself to some network marketing. I don't think it'll do much harm, it's low risk so it's perfect for exposure purposes
But of course, nothing goes as planned in life, things might go well, or things might not go well at all eventhough you expect it to.
And well, maybe if, my family members , or my really close friends might need help somehow... at least I can help a little....
To be honest once again, I'm not someone who wants to go into business. I just feel that, in the end every career is a business. Why not learn more?
Just because you hate a subject in school, doesn't mean you shouldn't learn it.
Along the way maybe I can improve my interpersonal skills somewhat. And various other things
And I probably will meet some insincere people along the way. You can't escape from those kind of people if your doing business. Have to learn how to recognize who they are
I gotta say though, I might have rushed a little bit into the business thing before thinking it fully and knowing how exactly the system works. If it involved bigger risks I probably would have gave it more thought though
So yeah, I do realize, maybe I'm letting myself get convinced a little too quickly or easily without much question.
True, but letting yourself get convinced quickly isn't the problem. The problem is if you don't REALIZE that your letting yourself get convinced quickly.
Ignorance is ultimately a dangerous situation in business.
It's something like..... Someone betrays you. If you expected that guy to betray you all along, then its not so bad. But if someone UNEXPECTEDLY betrays you (a close friend or someone you didnt think would do such a thing) then the impact would definitely be severe mentally. Because you didn't REALIZE he or she would actually betray you.
So yeah, its the unexpected things that we should becareful of.
Hmmmm, been feeling down though, today and yesterday. No idea why.
Something's missing.... Can't really put my finger on it. Feels like my days are a bit empty.
ahhhhh, I guess I shouldn't think too much.
Have you ever listened to another person's heartbeat?
That heartbeat
Means that life is still going on, in another person
Means that emotions are still present, in another person
Means that happiness, sadness, loneliness, kindness, emptiness, vengefulness, forgiveness, and every other emotion is still possible, in another person
Listen to their heartbeat
What does it say? It says
I want to live.
I want to feel.
I want to know.
I want to explore.
I want to savour.
I want to reminiscence.
I want to love.
Each heartbeat speaks all of those, and so much more.
Every one heartbeat carries so much value.
Every heartbeat carries meaning.
Every heartbeat carries Life.
Something so precious... should never be taken for granted...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Nana To Kaoru~~~~~ =DDDDD
YOU KNOW WHAT?!?!?!? Today I went to college, 9.05AM
CLASS STARTS AT 11AM ONLY A$(*!&@#*&!@)*#&(*!@&*)!@&#)*!@(#@!~!!!!
oh someone kill meeeeeeee~!!!
I could've slept TWO HOURS EXTRAAAA~!!!
SOOOO, what did i do in the computer lab from 9-11? Later you'll find out hoho *horny smile*
Soooo, after class finishes at 1pm, went lunch with chee ho and soon kok in cafeteria
The rest went to curve, lazy to go so farrrr XDDD and the food there is SUPA SUPA EXP!!! =DDD
SOOOO, after finish makan~~ Had to wait until 3.30 for comittee meeting
SOOOO, you know what I did!?!?!?!
I know I'm crazyyyy
But it's just softcore hentai~~
Softcore = a lot of hentai-like scenes, but NOOOOO sex~~~ =DDDD
This manga offers alot of lewid and incredible twisted feeling... Man it's awesome...
About a girl (nana) and a guy (kaoru)
The girl is a top student in high school~ vp of student council~ sexy pretty etc etc
Whereas the guy is a total pervert who just slacks of during classes and exams
BUT the catch is, they are childhood friends, and Nana on the inside is a real pervert, as she discovers when kaoru takes her for a "breather"
breather = non-intercourse but close to sexual experience
Soon she gets hooked to these breathers, meaning that eventhough on the outside she maybe everyone's IDOL, but on the inside she's a real perv , though SHE DOESN'T WANT TO ADMIT IT!!!
That's what I like about this .... It shows that EVEN GIRLS ARE REAL PERVERTS ON THE INSIDE AHAHAHAH DONT DENY IT GIRLS~~!!! =DDD
And it's true =D
And now its time for ze DEMO~!! =DDDD

Threesome scene

Trust me when I say... You can learn loads from this manga *love*

lives. Hopefully one day I'll get to try this =DDD

You guys can download ALL the episodes here:
Copy and paste the link above =DDD
And you can read ALL the episodes here If your lazy to download one by one =D
orrr, actually any manga website
it's just close to being one ^_^
HAHA~! This is my fav genre of views. 4.9/5 rating on mangafoxxx
Boy, do I miss onemanga XDDD
HAHA! I was reading this from 9-11 when I had no class
Then then... A funny thing happened
After lunch... I was reading this manga in the open comp lab when I received a call
Meow : Siah what you doing
Me : erm.... I'm doing work XDDDD
Yes yes, this is part of my work =DDD It's really important.. SOMEHOW~!! XDDD
Yes yes, this is part of my work =DDD It's really important.. SOMEHOW~!! XDDD
But anyway she made me walk down to cafeteria when she could just come up to comp lab =.=
Seriuzzlyyy evil.
This series is too good la~
Ada bondage~ Ada three way~ Ada bondage then walk on the street~ Ada mouth gag~ SM~
Banyak laaa~ Lu pergi baca/download sendiri then tahu =DDD
Then after thattttt, comittee meeting
Her~ Car~ Tak~ Dapat~ STARTTT~~~~
Haizzz... I pity her car la everyday have to carry her weight~ So kelian~ I wonder how it survive
Maybe that's y today the car died on her la~~
Try to jumpstart.. Didn't work~ So in the end she wait her dad
You know
But I think if she go KBU lift right.... the lift cant go up de~
And then if she take lift from 7th floor i think in 2sec will reach 1st floor de~
AFTER THATTTTTT ,go meeting again~~ Short one la =)))
Then after thatttt, SAO TONGGGGG~!!!
What a tiring day =))) But I managed to read a lovely manga laaaa
Ciaoz~ =D Hope you enjoyed the post =)))
AND I HOPE THAT YOU WILL READDDDD IT~~!!! Almost 1million views on manga fox de~ =D
And just now was another few epic rounds of dota AS WELL~!! Good times good times ^^
p.s. Ahhhhhhhh, I.will.not.fall.sick~~!!! XD must.tahan.this.sick.feeling.
nitez ^^
Monday, October 4, 2010
Are you the one?
Ahhh, I'm so so so so tired the past few days...
Have been sleeping late
Been dota-ing epicly madly lately XD XD
Well, it's pretty fun when you play in a team of friends instead of strangers =DDD
Today I tried to sleep in the afternoon... Didn't succeed >.<
Man I'm so terrible at sleeping!!!! Argh~~
What happened the last few days... Hm... Ah, I don't remember anymore XD XD
But lately I've been thinking once more
You know what... Ever since young, everyone has thought about "the one". And me too, I've thought about the concept of "the one" many many times. Since young
at least once, whether they are a player, a hopeless romantic, or even if you are the serious type of person now, you would have thought about it.
What is 'the one'? Actually?
Is it, your perfect match?
Is it your guilty pleasure?
Is it your solution to everything?
I've been wondering about it too, lately.
Most people would think that the relationship would be sweet, romantic and perfect. Just like in the movies~!
But I think otherwise. Your probably thinking now... Ohhhh, of course its not like the movies! Don't be silly
But hey. Deep down inside we ALL want it to be like the movies. Where sparks are always flying. The moments always feel right. The unmatched feeling of eternal love is probably unrivaled by no other
In reality though, it's sadly really not like the movies.
It's not always about the sparks. Not always about the moments that feel right. Not always about the eternal love.
Because a relationship, is something like, a piece of string
Both spouses are at two ends of the string
How do the two get closer? To each other?
The string must break. Then the both sides must work together to tie the knot again
Once they do that, they will be closer to each other.
Yes, in my opinion, problems are what bring couples closer together.
So what if, you always feel happy with him or her? Or your heart flies when you see him or her? Or when you see him or her , they've made your day?
You can go through all those kinds of emotions, but at the end of the day, what if the both of you cant stand strong together when problems come your way?
Being with someone in a relationship means constantly supporting each other, through each other's problems in daily life.
It's not just built based on a "like-in-the-movies" kind of happiness
That kind of happiness will come naturally, and it is in its purest form when you learn to care for one another, and the best part of it all is.
It's natural. You don't even have to try.
To constantly support each other, both spouses have to have a good understanding of each other as well.
What I'm trying to say is that, it's not just based on "I feel right with him or her", but also "I understand him or her" and "I am willing to be there for him or her when he or she has a problem".
Yeap, these are the main 3, perhaps there are more that I forgot to think of. But if you have these three checked then your well underway.
However, maybe you do feel right with him or her, maybe you do understand him or her, maybe your willing to be there for him or her.
But does he or she feel the same way about you? Relationships are always a two-way thing, if it's one way I think it's more like slavery instead of a relationship.
So, instead of 3, you have 6 things to check. Technically since you count his or her side too.
That's why relationships are so complicated.
That's why finding the one can be a really tough challenge
A lot of compromise and understanding of each other is required.
This means that, not MANY people can be "the one"
But it is possible that more than ONE people can be "the one"
So even if you don't find someone who can be your "one" at this point in life, there's plenty more of people you haven't met throughout your life, so just wait. It's better to wait for something good than to rush into a relationship just like that
STILL, i have to admite there ARE exceptions.
Just that this is the ideal kind of relationship to have =)))
Life is pretty exciting with it's ups and downs
Who knows when you'll meet the one?
We often don't get what we want in life.
So that's why it's always better to appreciate what you got than sulk over what you can never get.
It's like crying over spilt milk, or knowing that tomorrow the milk man will come again with new milk
And you can even sleep with the milk man if your a girl XD XD (or if your gay)
I joke I joke XD
Heyyyy, what's life without all them horny jokes? HAHAHA
It's always a blessing to have good people in your life. Catch ya guys soon ^^
p.s. relationships are in a way, unbelievable =)))
Have been sleeping late
Been dota-ing epicly madly lately XD XD
Well, it's pretty fun when you play in a team of friends instead of strangers =DDD
Today I tried to sleep in the afternoon... Didn't succeed >.<
Man I'm so terrible at sleeping!!!! Argh~~
What happened the last few days... Hm... Ah, I don't remember anymore XD XD
But lately I've been thinking once more
You know what... Ever since young, everyone has thought about "the one". And me too, I've thought about the concept of "the one" many many times. Since young
at least once, whether they are a player, a hopeless romantic, or even if you are the serious type of person now, you would have thought about it.
What is 'the one'? Actually?
Is it, your perfect match?
Is it your guilty pleasure?
Is it your solution to everything?
I've been wondering about it too, lately.
Most people would think that the relationship would be sweet, romantic and perfect. Just like in the movies~!
But I think otherwise. Your probably thinking now... Ohhhh, of course its not like the movies! Don't be silly
But hey. Deep down inside we ALL want it to be like the movies. Where sparks are always flying. The moments always feel right. The unmatched feeling of eternal love is probably unrivaled by no other
In reality though, it's sadly really not like the movies.
It's not always about the sparks. Not always about the moments that feel right. Not always about the eternal love.
Because a relationship, is something like, a piece of string
Both spouses are at two ends of the string
How do the two get closer? To each other?
The string must break. Then the both sides must work together to tie the knot again
Once they do that, they will be closer to each other.
Yes, in my opinion, problems are what bring couples closer together.
So what if, you always feel happy with him or her? Or your heart flies when you see him or her? Or when you see him or her , they've made your day?
You can go through all those kinds of emotions, but at the end of the day, what if the both of you cant stand strong together when problems come your way?
Being with someone in a relationship means constantly supporting each other, through each other's problems in daily life.
It's not just built based on a "like-in-the-movies" kind of happiness
That kind of happiness will come naturally, and it is in its purest form when you learn to care for one another, and the best part of it all is.
It's natural. You don't even have to try.
To constantly support each other, both spouses have to have a good understanding of each other as well.
What I'm trying to say is that, it's not just based on "I feel right with him or her", but also "I understand him or her" and "I am willing to be there for him or her when he or she has a problem".
Yeap, these are the main 3, perhaps there are more that I forgot to think of. But if you have these three checked then your well underway.
However, maybe you do feel right with him or her, maybe you do understand him or her, maybe your willing to be there for him or her.
But does he or she feel the same way about you? Relationships are always a two-way thing, if it's one way I think it's more like slavery instead of a relationship.
So, instead of 3, you have 6 things to check. Technically since you count his or her side too.
That's why relationships are so complicated.
That's why finding the one can be a really tough challenge
A lot of compromise and understanding of each other is required.
This means that, not MANY people can be "the one"
But it is possible that more than ONE people can be "the one"
So even if you don't find someone who can be your "one" at this point in life, there's plenty more of people you haven't met throughout your life, so just wait. It's better to wait for something good than to rush into a relationship just like that
STILL, i have to admite there ARE exceptions.
Just that this is the ideal kind of relationship to have =)))
Life is pretty exciting with it's ups and downs
Who knows when you'll meet the one?
We often don't get what we want in life.
So that's why it's always better to appreciate what you got than sulk over what you can never get.
It's like crying over spilt milk, or knowing that tomorrow the milk man will come again with new milk
And you can even sleep with the milk man if your a girl XD XD (or if your gay)
I joke I joke XD
Heyyyy, what's life without all them horny jokes? HAHAHA
It's always a blessing to have good people in your life. Catch ya guys soon ^^
p.s. relationships are in a way, unbelievable =)))