Yeah, seriously, the two weeks break I took for my leg to heal
took a toll on me yesterday~
But, good thing is my leg is doing much better than I thought
When you don't climb for a while and u start again,
trust me when I say you'll feel the affects the very next day :))
But hey, it makes you feel alive :)
Without further ado, presenting my 2nd climbing post!
Since there were about 5 of us, we did add on's
Which means that each person that climbs adds two rocks to the route
It's pretty interesting. Especially when ppl choose things that are impossible
to hold *ahem* brandon *ahem*
And if you fall, you gotta do 5 push ups :)
so i.e. if u fall twice, 10 push ups, trice 15 push ups, and so on
Introducing the climbers :
Sry don, don't hv a frontal pic of u :)
Don't worry, it'll get back it's awesome figure :))
It's nearly impossible to hold unless ur using ur right hand
So it became obsolete
Matt's turn!!
And he chose one foothold I think, I didn't take pictures of some of the footholds,
These two seriously nice to hold, thx darryl~!
Next person's turn!
Lol... Justin this ruby... haha
sry, just thought it was funny :)
the others hv problems with this
Got two ways to hold it
At this point matt and yaakob had trouble.
Brandon and Justin passed later, but they omitted the green
And darryl passed too if i remember correctly
Moving on!!
And I chose one grey foothold, that ends my turn :)
That end's his turn
I think later most of us just skipped this brown as well.
Yaakob and Matt couldn't make it till here, so my turn again~!
Seriously, we call it the dick
I apologize if the previous sentence sounded wrong
Didnt choose any footholds.
Must off flash next time...
Me for these two footholds
And finally we ended here. I think.
Now, pics of each of us who tried
5 push ups!
At the end matt did 15 or 20 push ups I think
Can ya believe he just finished PMR?
Oh yea, he also did 15 or 20 push ups
Yeah, brandon made it this far
But the green caused him to do 10 push ups
I thought he didn't do, so he did another 10 for my sake lol,
sry yea!
We didn't take anymore pics for him, but he did reach the last orange
So in total he only did 5 push ups!
Great :)
In total i think he did 10 or 15 push ups
He took out his shoes in mid air while I was belaying him
Did my hands hurt? Hell yeah :)
Don't have the pic though
So I did 5 push ups also
I thought i'd be the only one who didn't have to do T_T
Guess I was tired haha...
Okay, so anyway, remember the video in the previous climbing video blooper where I couldn't go up?
Well, I tried the route again for the second time :)
If your still abit blurr,
So anyway, I tried it again today :)
Have a look see,
At least this time it wasn't so bad as last time :)
Credits to brandon for cam and captions!!
Enjoy the vid of me failing....
haha :)
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