Okay I'll be TRUELY honest here
I never REALLLY had a new years resolution before
It was just a come and go thing for me that is. New Years.
Since I ain't going anywhere tonight I just thought I'd drop a post :D
Loads of things happened in the past year.
And to be honest this year passed by really quickly for some reason
At least for me (:
I climbed consistently the past 52 weeks.
I made new buddies here and there
I emceed my college prom
I went to degree Year one
I learnt a lot of things I didn't know last year
I didn't cut my hair since march this year :DDDD
I died my hair green early this year :D
I turned 18
I got a real pet dog for the first time in my life
I drive my mom's van :D
I became PR leader for my college council :D
I made contact with other college councils
I emceed the breast cancer bazaar at my college :D
I watched some really great anime's (like hajime no ippo XD)
I also went to the land of Thai
I started THIS blog
I only blogged 6 out of the 12 months though XD
hey! everone needs a break
I also posted hentai on my blog (: and it's something I think most of your
friends wouldn't do.... LOL!!
And it was all really incredible (:
For the first time I really feel like having a new year's resolution
1) become a 7a climber by december 2010
2) do well in my degree :D (year 1 second semester now)
3) consistently update this blog for the sake of my fans XD
4) become more patient and tolerant of others with different viewpoints
5) be even MORE open mUHAHAHAhAa!! XD
6) treat friends better
7) KEEP MY HAIR!! XD (maybe a trim though to shape it up)
8) Understand PEOPLE better
10) Last but not least, and this is always my resolution each year
To change the world someday (:
In my own way.
Ore wa oh shinjitekure (:
Good bye 2009
And LET'S ROCK 2010!!!! XDDDD
Happy new Year people!
And all of you who are staying at home celebrating
don't worry!
You are not alone! Always remember that
Your have your friends and family, even if they are not there with
you in person
So welcome 2010 with open arms
As I have (:

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