Funny thing! This morning, I drove in to college, then saw my classmate drive and park her car, and after I parked mine, POOF! She was gone. From her car.
I guess she saw me and walked off real fast into college. LOL! I kinda made her angry the day before, so yeah, I don't know XD Sometimes us men don't realize what we say when we say what we say. XD So IM SORRY! If you are reading this! =D
Well, first thing's FIRSTTTT!!!! Let me get this straight.
The GOAL and AIM for me to write these kinds of posts is really to educate men about women. And perhaps vice versa.
Sometimes men can be really insensitive and really defensive, so I apologize on behalf of the race of men. And we promise to become better guys to you girls =D
So the more PEOPLE who read this, the BETTER. So do us all a favour and SUBSCRIBEEE over there >>>> andddd SPREAD THE WORDDD to your friends who you think COULD use this kind of information!

Many men feel nervous and anxious when approaching women to start a conversation.
Going way back, this was when pickup lines were INVENTED
You see, men ARE natural born problem solvers, they think "hey, if this doesn't work, maybe this might work? Or this? Or that?" Men often look for solutions to their problems. (Which is why they are reading this right now)
So they invented the famous thing we call "pickup lines".
It was their "solution" to the problem called "how do I approach a girl?"
But the problem with that is that most of the time, pickup lines don't work
And even if they do, you are being inauthentic. Meaning that you are projecting a superficial/fake image of yourself towards the girl.
And she will not know who you really are. It also clearly SHOWS that you are trying to get her instead of getting to KNOW her. There is a difference believe me.
Think about it, would you want a girl to like you for who you are, or someone you are not? Remember that girls like GENUINE guys. Not fakes, not pretenders.
So now, how DO you start a conversation with a woman?
When you are a guy who is self-sufficient, self-amusing and able to laugh at yourself and you are generally fun to be with, "How" to start a conversation is the LAST thing on your mind.
That positive energy that flows out of a man is what really attracts a woman. Be that man, and literally anything you say will be attractive no matter WHAT it is!
In FACT, if you can master that positive energy and vibe, sometimes you don't even have to say ANYTHING! Even a handshake, a hi-five, these non-verbal actions COULD start a conversation! Think of the possibilities!
To give some guideline, a possible GENUINE pickup line is "Hi, you looked so adorable I had to come and meet you!" You aren't hiding anything, and you honestly just wish to get to know her. Women want a strong man who will show his intent in his action. Definitely an A.
Or even "Hi, my name is so and so". OR you could comment on something she is wearing like that accessory or dress or shoes etc etc. Believe that you are someone unique with years of experience and someone who DOES have things to talk about.
So the best pickup line is not any line, but the projection of your inner positive energy outwards and hence attracting them females MAGNETICALLY!
You don't need no fancy lines if you have that kind of awesome PARTY inside you!
The ability to generate these positive vibes is the GREATEST asset you can have, and the question of "HOW to start a conversation" will be the furthest thing from your mind! Guaranteed~!
So stay pimpin' and GET THEM CHICKS!
On a side note, I am actually preparing something interesting to post tomorrow! Stay tuneeeeeeeeed! Teehee! =D
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