I realized something about myself.
That time when I was younger in secondary school, I was a quiet boy.
And it was in college where I really became the noisy sanguine I am now.
It's just really unexpected. From a quiet boy to a noisy boy who is crazy and loud.
But, I also realize now, that my other trait has not fully revealed itself yet.
I'm actually very stubborn. And I can be really unreasonable at times.
But it doesn't show when I'm in college. The same way my noisiness and talkativeness did not show when I was in high school.
I also realize that, I really lack that stubbornness and firmness that is required to be a good leader.
I do have it, but I only show it at home. At college, I tend to give in and be too lenient. Why? It shouldn't be that way.
I don't wish to instill fear into anybody. I don't want people to say "I'm scared of Danny Siah, so I'll do what he says"
I want people to say "Out of respect I shall do what Danny Siah told me to do"
But I don't know. Things just get really confusing when too many things are going on at once. And it is hard for me to organize myself. God I hate it when I'm like that.
Everything is just so messy... I wish I could have a clean white board and start over. Argh.
But life has no reset button. We know this. No re-runs no retries. There is a game over though.
Sometimes I really wonder if what I'm doing is right. Then again there isn't really any right or wrong.
I just want my mind to be clear and know where I'm headed. But it's... so messy right now.
They say you have to be patient. Ya know? And I may be too hasty sometimes. But I know all too well, that in order to plan things well you can't be hasty. The waiting just kills me.
But if you want things to go well you have to slowly plan stuff out. A tree takes hundreds of years to grow into something strong and sturdy.
At the very start, it is only a newborn sprout, weak, no foundation, and easily crumbled.
And you cannot quicken this growth into adulthood for the sprout. It will take hundreds of years. No short cut.
And the same goes with any organization. I feel like... it really will take years before an organization can fully become strong.
So it made me start to wonder. Maybe all this excess energy is pointless? Maybe I should just focus... On making the most of this time period, to enjoy ourselves? Instead of just PUSHING the growth all the way. Because it WILL take a long time. To become a fully sturdy organization.
It can't be done within a year. But what can be done, is that I can make sure everyone enjoys their time. While it lasts. And lately I'm starting to think not everyone is really enjoying themselves.
What am I doing? It's so hard. I'm just so worried. I don't ever really know if I get enough sleep nowadays. Maybe I should just try to be happy? And not worry so much?
Maybe I do try too hard. Maybe I should just.... yeah... have fun with all of them.
So. I wonder if. Things will be okay in the end. It'll be okay. I'm actually not doing so bad. Just that maybe my focus is off right now.
Okay okay let me just do this and I'll be fine
Okay much better now. Haha XD Keep things simple silly! =)
Ive still so much to learn. And it's time to get learning.
Nitez peeps =)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
One Dating Tip a Guy Needs to Know
Heya! So I felt like making another post today. Kinda weird huh but that's me. The god of weirdness and perviness so don't be surprised mah friend =)
You must have come here wondering WHAT kind of dating tip Danny Siah wants to give this time?! Haha... Don't take me too seriously. I'm just having fun doing what I do.
Why so serious right? Like the joker says man, like the joker says =3
This dating tip actually, I learned from a woman. She explained it to me. So this is not from me, but someone else.
And to be honest I would not have thought of it if she did not tell me about it. So kudos to her! And whoever she is, doesn't really matter. What really matters is what you are about to learn.
According to her... This is what she said.
"The best dating tip I can give a guy, is that a guy needs to make the girl feel like he is the best thing that could ever happen to her."
Read that line again. Digest it. Memorize it. Live by it.

To further elaborate, what she meant was, you gotta make that girl feel like no one can replace you. That you are the best. That no one is capable of even coming CLOSE to you. You ARE the best thing that could ever happen to her.
Based on my own observations, I realize a lot of guys really downplay their value. They degrade their own self worth for women. By doing everything for them, being their play-toy and just being their slave.
That is a HUGE no no. You become normal. You become like every other guy who has served her. That's right. You become expandable.
Now, you don't want that at all. You gotta understand your own worth here. Realize that you are special. No one can replace you. You are one of a kind. The best that you can be. And no other guy can come close to your greatness.
Realize what's good about yourself, and magnify it. Concentrate on your good points. Basically everyone can do this, if you know how to play your cards right. Having a good understanding about your good and bad points is vital. To doing this right.
Personally, I do know what's good about myself, and what's bad as well. The trick is to portray what's really good about yourself, to the point where she will be willing to accept you even with your weaknesses.
Once she realizes that you really are one of a kind, and you are the best thing that could EVER happen to her, chances are she won't let you off so easily. And that's what you are aiming for =3
It's like, playing it out in such a way where, you are the one who holds the bargaining chip. She is the one to lose out if she does not see your value. She is the one who will regret her entire life if she lets a guy like you go.
Realize your self worth. It's so important. Without this, you will definitely have a hard time getting girls. And you will end up being played out by girls if you do not realize your own value.
Once you understand this concept, you will start to have a more self-fulfilled life. You'll be happier. Your self-esteem will be better and your confidence automatically rises.
It's all a matter of perspective. Re-program your mind to think in a different way, and you WILL produce different results.
So yea! Don't think too much about it. Don't over think it. It's a really simple concept. Just learn from it, implement it, and I'll see you guys next time =)
Tata~! =D
You must have come here wondering WHAT kind of dating tip Danny Siah wants to give this time?! Haha... Don't take me too seriously. I'm just having fun doing what I do.
Why so serious right? Like the joker says man, like the joker says =3
This dating tip actually, I learned from a woman. She explained it to me. So this is not from me, but someone else.
And to be honest I would not have thought of it if she did not tell me about it. So kudos to her! And whoever she is, doesn't really matter. What really matters is what you are about to learn.
According to her... This is what she said.
"The best dating tip I can give a guy, is that a guy needs to make the girl feel like he is the best thing that could ever happen to her."
Read that line again. Digest it. Memorize it. Live by it.

To further elaborate, what she meant was, you gotta make that girl feel like no one can replace you. That you are the best. That no one is capable of even coming CLOSE to you. You ARE the best thing that could ever happen to her.
Based on my own observations, I realize a lot of guys really downplay their value. They degrade their own self worth for women. By doing everything for them, being their play-toy and just being their slave.
That is a HUGE no no. You become normal. You become like every other guy who has served her. That's right. You become expandable.
Now, you don't want that at all. You gotta understand your own worth here. Realize that you are special. No one can replace you. You are one of a kind. The best that you can be. And no other guy can come close to your greatness.
Realize what's good about yourself, and magnify it. Concentrate on your good points. Basically everyone can do this, if you know how to play your cards right. Having a good understanding about your good and bad points is vital. To doing this right.
Personally, I do know what's good about myself, and what's bad as well. The trick is to portray what's really good about yourself, to the point where she will be willing to accept you even with your weaknesses.
Once she realizes that you really are one of a kind, and you are the best thing that could EVER happen to her, chances are she won't let you off so easily. And that's what you are aiming for =3
It's like, playing it out in such a way where, you are the one who holds the bargaining chip. She is the one to lose out if she does not see your value. She is the one who will regret her entire life if she lets a guy like you go.
Realize your self worth. It's so important. Without this, you will definitely have a hard time getting girls. And you will end up being played out by girls if you do not realize your own value.
Once you understand this concept, you will start to have a more self-fulfilled life. You'll be happier. Your self-esteem will be better and your confidence automatically rises.
It's all a matter of perspective. Re-program your mind to think in a different way, and you WILL produce different results.
So yea! Don't think too much about it. Don't over think it. It's a really simple concept. Just learn from it, implement it, and I'll see you guys next time =)
Tata~! =D
Lately I am a little confused about my life.
And lately I get angry a little too easily. I wonder what's wrong?
It's totally not like me at all. Maybe I'm recovering from my sleep debt?
Hmm.. I really wanna start climbing again. But my finger still in the process of healing. It's in much better condition than 2 months ago, but I think give it 2 more it'll heal fully. Or so I hope.
I just feel like I'm holding way too much responsibilities sometimes. It can be a little tiring. Who knew huh? But Just a little longer. Things will be alright soon enough. I just gotta believe.
Ahhhh... Sometimes, secretly I just wanna run away.
To a place where there is no worries. Just for... A little while.
I just wish I could do that. But I can't because reality isn't so comforting.
I used to think, hey.... At least I'll get a break.
But nah, truth be told, it never does get any easier the older you get.
I might think that my life now at 20 is hard, but when I'm 23 or 25 I'm sure things are a lot harder.
The hardest part is you don't really know if it will pay off at all or not. There's no real way to tell. The only thing you can do is take action and pray everything works out.
So I am here. Just minding my own stuff. I wonder if things will be okay? Yeah, they will be. Just give me time. I'll make it somehow. I always do.
Cuz I'm Danny Siah.
And lately I get angry a little too easily. I wonder what's wrong?
It's totally not like me at all. Maybe I'm recovering from my sleep debt?
Hmm.. I really wanna start climbing again. But my finger still in the process of healing. It's in much better condition than 2 months ago, but I think give it 2 more it'll heal fully. Or so I hope.
I just feel like I'm holding way too much responsibilities sometimes. It can be a little tiring. Who knew huh? But Just a little longer. Things will be alright soon enough. I just gotta believe.
Ahhhh... Sometimes, secretly I just wanna run away.
To a place where there is no worries. Just for... A little while.
I just wish I could do that. But I can't because reality isn't so comforting.
I used to think, hey.... At least I'll get a break.
But nah, truth be told, it never does get any easier the older you get.
I might think that my life now at 20 is hard, but when I'm 23 or 25 I'm sure things are a lot harder.
The hardest part is you don't really know if it will pay off at all or not. There's no real way to tell. The only thing you can do is take action and pray everything works out.
So I am here. Just minding my own stuff. I wonder if things will be okay? Yeah, they will be. Just give me time. I'll make it somehow. I always do.
Cuz I'm Danny Siah.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Before the Dating Game
To be honest it DOES NOT really feel like a holiday. Strange huh?
Yeah, I'm busy mostly doing club activities and stuff like that. It's pretty fun.
The only difference between last time and now is I get to introduce my own concept to running a club.
It honestly feels really good. It's just a lil tiring to hold posts in two clubs. So yeah! I gotta finish what I started eh? No going back hahaha!
Anyhow, since I'm back, it is time to begin blogging once again =)
When you think of it, many of us have this very common mistake when we go into the dating game.
That's really because BEFORE we even go into dating, there is one VERY important step that most of us TEND to neglect.
What is that you ask?
Well, we tend to forget to ask ourselves WHAT we really want out of dating?
Is it a one night stand/hook up?
Is it a long or short term relationship?
Do you just wanna play around with different partners?
Or are you looking for more than that? Are you looking for marriage?
You see, it is SO important to KNOW what you want before you GO and get what you want.
It's like not knowing what you want to buy from the supermarket and yet you go to the supermarket anyway. Kind of stupid isn't it?
But most people DO go to the supermarket anyway. And they just pick up what they THINK they need. (And you wonder why break ups are so common)
Honestly though we should just sit down and ask ourselves, what do we really want out of the dating game?
If you can't even answer that question, truth be told you shouldn't EVEN be dating. Or else you'll just wind up in circles, or making more mistakes than you really need to.

With a clear goal in mind, your results will be different. It applies not only to dating, but really all aspects of our lives. Constantly remind yourself why you are dating. Is it a really good reason?
Cause if it isn't chances are your results are also going to really suck.
Simply because you don't have a good reason to hold on to.
Not everyone would agree with me, everyone has their own opinion, so I'll not hold you to it if you disagree with what I said.
So remember, it is the FIRST thing you should do. Get a clear reason. A clear goal. A clear direction. It'll help get you better results in the dating game. Just by doing this.
If you know what you want, getting what you want becomes a hell lot easier. And if you are able to clearly explain your intentions to your partner, it will enhance the relationship a great deal.
It definitely is not easy to talk to your partner about WHERE the relationship is going, but it is a very vital point that you do talk about it and make sure that you and your partner are on the same page.
Otherwise a lot of conflicts will emerge as the relationship goes on. Because both of you have a different picture (or no picture) about where the relationship should be going.
I cannot stress how important this is. Not talking about it or avoiding this will have more often than not, bad effects on the relationship.
I definitely know what I want. And I'm not afraid to tell others about it or even talk about it.
What about you? Would you be able to bravely express yourself? Not many have the courage to do so.
Don't take society too seriously. Most people just usually want something to comment on so when they find the slightest out-of-the-ordinary thing they'll go all hoo-haa over it.
Just be yourself, find out what you want out of the dating game, and you'll find it'll be easier to make progress since you know which path you wish to take =)
Good luck, all the best, and good night folks =3333