You must have come here wondering WHAT kind of dating tip Danny Siah wants to give this time?! Haha... Don't take me too seriously. I'm just having fun doing what I do.
Why so serious right? Like the joker says man, like the joker says =3
This dating tip actually, I learned from a woman. She explained it to me. So this is not from me, but someone else.
And to be honest I would not have thought of it if she did not tell me about it. So kudos to her! And whoever she is, doesn't really matter. What really matters is what you are about to learn.
According to her... This is what she said.
"The best dating tip I can give a guy, is that a guy needs to make the girl feel like he is the best thing that could ever happen to her."
Read that line again. Digest it. Memorize it. Live by it.

To further elaborate, what she meant was, you gotta make that girl feel like no one can replace you. That you are the best. That no one is capable of even coming CLOSE to you. You ARE the best thing that could ever happen to her.
Based on my own observations, I realize a lot of guys really downplay their value. They degrade their own self worth for women. By doing everything for them, being their play-toy and just being their slave.
That is a HUGE no no. You become normal. You become like every other guy who has served her. That's right. You become expandable.
Now, you don't want that at all. You gotta understand your own worth here. Realize that you are special. No one can replace you. You are one of a kind. The best that you can be. And no other guy can come close to your greatness.
Realize what's good about yourself, and magnify it. Concentrate on your good points. Basically everyone can do this, if you know how to play your cards right. Having a good understanding about your good and bad points is vital. To doing this right.
Personally, I do know what's good about myself, and what's bad as well. The trick is to portray what's really good about yourself, to the point where she will be willing to accept you even with your weaknesses.
Once she realizes that you really are one of a kind, and you are the best thing that could EVER happen to her, chances are she won't let you off so easily. And that's what you are aiming for =3
It's like, playing it out in such a way where, you are the one who holds the bargaining chip. She is the one to lose out if she does not see your value. She is the one who will regret her entire life if she lets a guy like you go.
Realize your self worth. It's so important. Without this, you will definitely have a hard time getting girls. And you will end up being played out by girls if you do not realize your own value.
Once you understand this concept, you will start to have a more self-fulfilled life. You'll be happier. Your self-esteem will be better and your confidence automatically rises.
It's all a matter of perspective. Re-program your mind to think in a different way, and you WILL produce different results.
So yea! Don't think too much about it. Don't over think it. It's a really simple concept. Just learn from it, implement it, and I'll see you guys next time =)
Tata~! =D
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