Ah. It's raining. Great weather to write out my thoughts. Lately much has been going through my head.
Semester just started today, and I'm quite happy, most of my classes start at 1pm
God must want me to enjoy my year 3 :) I'm thankful.
I also know what title I want to do for my final Year 3 project (it's 40 credit points out of 120)
Knowing what you want to do in life is really important. And I'm happy that I have made a decision on what topic to do for it. Not being able to decide would just be terrible, like what many of my friends are facing now.
Also, my game improved, in League of Legends. Overall, more wins than losses. That's great :) I shall continue winning.
I've also made a decision.
Yes, we all need to make decisions and not hesitate when we do need to make one.
Was watching SNSD's 1st asia tour concert videos.
I was so touched by their performance.

It was their 1st album, so their songs had a more softer melancholy to it back then, it makes your heart feel touched in a way, when they perform.
I said to myself "If I don't ever see these girls live in concert, I will never forgive myself on my deathbed"
Yes. I must see them live. If they come to Singapore, or if they are in Thailand, that's close enough for me.
Next year I start working. I will save up money to travel to see them. Distance isn't a matter for me, these girls are worth the effort and time. Definitely. Without a doubt.
All of their concerts are always full house. Always. Man, if I could be there in the crowd cheering them on... What I'd give for that.
Oh yes, I am most likely going to choose 3D-modelling and Virtual Reality for my optional subject in year 3.
I heard virtual reality has to do with games, so the choice is obvious :)
I have a wonderful life, I gotta learn to cherish it even more :)
I know one day, I will be wealthy not just in riches, but also at heart.
I know one day, I will be strong not just as a guy, but as a man.
I know one day, I'll get to see SNSD in concert, and I will enjoy it to the fullest to see our 9 angels perform :)
I know one day, I'll get married to the girl of my dreams. Someone I can truly love.
Why do I know? I just know :)
A friend told me I was getting tame. Not so crazy as last time.
True, perhaps I'm maturing quite a bit :) I'm 20 already, after all :D
Sometimes I feel like my life is already all set out for me. Good things come most of the time, and generally everyone is happy around me :)
That's really great, isn't it?
Some people think of me as an inspiration and role model.
I'm actually super pai seh when they say so. I'm flattered to think that this once shy boy (before college) could actually be highly regarded as a good individual to follow.
It's true when they say positive attracts more positive into your life :)
Well anyhow! On to the new semester ^_^! Good luck to everyone, may you live a blessed life.