Last Monday (4 days ago) I went out for breakfast with a good friend of mine :)
We talked about lots of stuff
Then we came to the topic on masked riders (nerd topic alert)
I told her, I've always been wanting to watch kamen rider kabuto (I saw the advertisement somewhere)
Take note that my friend studied psychology at help and is currently working... She said OMG KABUTO IS AWESOME!!!!!! (or something along those lines)
So, trusting my friend's one line review of the series
I decided to go home and watch!
The first few episodes are the warm up episodes, when it gets to the deeper part of the story... Man there were so many WTF moments I really lost count!
That's one thing about any japanese drama/series
They can somehow come up with the craziest storylines and make you go WTF! This applies for any jap drama (if you have any past experience with jap drama's im sure you know what I'm talking about)
In this series they made the main character, Tendou Souji, simply GODLIKE!
And watching Kabuto makes you hungry cuz.. Tendou is apparently a GODLIKE chef as well (you can see his little sister's expression of deliciousness after each time she eats his cooking)
Also, the AMAZING and UNIQUE thing about this series is the AWESOME...
"Grandmother said this:" quotes! HAHAHAHAHA!
I absolutely loved them!
Tendou kicks a monster's ass? "Grandmother said this..."
Tendou cooks awesome food? "Grandmother said this..."
Tendou makes an unprecedented comeback? "Grandmother said this..."
Also, food is a very huge part of the series, it lightens the mood of the series and makes it more fun to watch :)
And yes, I never get tired of seeing Jyuka (Tendou's lil sis) express how delicious her brother's cooking is EACH AND EVERY FRIGGING TIME! XD
Also, I mentioned earlier that there were quite a number of WTF moments in the series. Yeap, and that's what makes it even better (cuz it's unpredictable and not cliche like power rangers.. lmao)
Tendou's godlike-ness just makes the series even more enjoyable for me. I like it when the main character has this sort of arrogance that compliments his personality and abilities. Tendou is just Tendou :) That arrogant attitude suits him PERFECTLY.
And it suits him because his strength is REAL.
His opening line is as follows:-
"Grandmother said this: Walking the path of heaven, the man who will rule over everything. Tendou, Souji"
Tendou - Path of Heaven
Souji - Ruler of All
LOL!!!!! They really made him a bad ass rider :)
Also, the series forecasts many other riders (of course, Tendou is the best )
But each character has some depth to them and as you go along you'll find out the past of these characters. (Yes, some really WTF moments I tell you.)
I loved the transformation style too. It's only my second Kamen Rider series, and yeah! It's pretty cool! I like the whole "Rider Belt" idea (though it's probably not new)
Nevertheless it still looks awesome :)
The only bad thing I can say about the series is that.. hmm... After the second half of the series it gets a little slow.
But honestly I was breezing through the episodes so fast (i finished all 49 episodes already) that it really didn't affect me.
Still loved it to bits.
Enjoyed all the WTF moments.
Enjoyed all the awesome grandmother quotes
Enjoyed the awesome transformations.
Enjoyed Jyuka's smile :D
Enjoyed the storyline
Enjoyed Tendou's godlike-ness
Enjoyed the FOOD and COOKING!!! :DDDD
This series is like a 9/10 for me! Awesome! Maybe even 9.5!! :DDDD
Realistically, I don't think any series would achieve a 10/10, simply because nothing in this world is perfect :)
But who knows! Maybe there'll be one who would just tickle my fancy :) hehe!
Okay! Thanks for reading! If you did read this far, you are either
a) A kamen rider fan
b) A danny siah fan
c) A ceiling fan (i'm kidding XD)
Or you were just bored! Probably one of the above XD
Anyhow, if you are interested to watch this series of Kamen Rider Kabuto, you can do so at
All the links are there! (Yes, you can watch the ENTIRE series on facebook without downloading)
Or if you prefer to download, you can get the ENTIRE series on
Yeap! That's all folks! Hope you enjoyed it!
Hopefully more people can enjoy this awesome series filled with compassion, love, humour, kindness and FOOD! XD

Some people claim it is the best rider series ever (by 2 of my female friends, in fact!)
But is it for you? It's up to you to judge :)
(Note, this is a special episode, the zector bugs don't talk in the real series haha)
Gnite! :D
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