"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
Those were the words of the late Steve Jobs.
Now, I know I'm not in much of a position to comment since I'm personally not an Apple user.
But after reading up about him, I discovered that he is quite a man.
He literally revolutionized and changed the world when it comes to handheld device technology, as well as various other areas.
Before we go on, I would like to share this video of a speech he gave at stanford 6 years ago, at the age of 50
If you have watched it, then it will be easier to relate to what I am going to say.
This man is a powerful man.
You ask if this man has led a successful life? Yes.
Why? Because he has lived everyday as if it was his last.
He mentioned that knowing that death was nearing caused him to avoid feeling shame, pride and all other negativity in his life, and just make the decisions which made apple so great as it is today.
How many people can do that? Live every day as if it were his last?
If today was your last day, would you do what you would be doing right now?
If it is always no, then the time for change has come.
You can see from his speech that he is a real genius not only at his work, but also in life itself.
He knew that you have to love what you do, and he DID love what he did for a living.
How many of us can say the same?
We all know that we have to find our passion in life, but a lot of us are in fear, just sticking to what feels safe to us.
But not this man. He dropped out of college, and because he dropped out of college, he found what he loved doing.
Because he got fired at the age of 30 from Apple, he started two very successful companies, Pixar and NeXT, and eventually became CEO of Apple again.
Look at this man. Every bad experience that he went through just made him even better.
He even said that those experiences were what made him successful today.
How many of us can say the same? Just look at his exemplary life and tell me you could say the same about yours. The way he handled failure was incredible.
When you die, will people make tributes outside your companies stores? Will they make several Facebook pages just to show how much they care?
Will people weep tears of sorrow and anguish when you leave this world?
For Steve Jobs, the answer is Yes. People care, people weep, because they know the world has lost an invaluable inventor and individual.
This man has become a legend. A revolutionary.
What about you? What about me? Are people going to remember us when we die?
I don't want to die without leaving an impact to the world.
As much love as you give to the world, you receive in return, when you leave.
He has given love to the world through the passion and love for his work.
The whole world feels it,
And the whole world mourns. Come on, I'm not even an Apple user and I feel he's really a great man.
That's how far his influence extends. People can see if you lead a successful life, people aren't all blind.
The reason I'm strongly affected by this is because I too...
Want to be a powerful man.
My failures are still small compared to what others like Steven Jobs go through.
Being kicked out of your own company has GOTTA be tough!
Yet I'm feeling like a failure already because I couldn't even get a Ping Pong tournament to get started since there wasn't enough participants.
If this great man can achieve so much and bounce back from failures, then I can too.
I can.
People are going to remember me when I leave this world.
You stay up till 4am just to express how much you respect Steve Jobs.
ReplyDeleteAnd for that reason, you earn my respect too.
May you Rest in peace, Mr. Steve Jobs