for all u anime lovers/addicts/lifeless ones/ OUT THERE!!
The anime with over 60 million copies sold world wide!!!
With a series lasting more than 10 years!! (Still going too)
And currently with 86 long Volumes!!
Hajime No Ippo!!!!!!
Rated to be the ONLY, yes ONLY!!
Boxing anime in history of anime!!
The author is so rich man... more than 60 mil copies of this series
has been sold
It is currently at chapter 853, i just only read it yesterday
Yeah, the anime is barely half way there, so I decided to read the manga starting
from chapter 370 like that (cuz that's where the show currently is)
I read 500 chapters online
Got a problem r?
1 chapter has about 20 pages
500 chapters x 20
equals 10 000 pages....
(I think u guys must be imagining me sitting in front of my comp
clicking 'next' 10 000 times...)
Haha.... Back to our topic!!
Oh, and a note, I suggest you guys watch the anime first then only at the middle
there read the manga
Cuz the drawing in the manga at the start not so good
Biasa lah, most anime artists need a while to be good with the pen
so anyway!! Our main character

Makunouchi Ippo
Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Gazelle Punch, Dempsey role, Liver Blow
Hobby : Training, Fishing, Boxing
Dream : To understand what it's like to be strong
The story starts with Ippo being a student who is always being bullied at school
He has very little social life because he often helps his mom out at home,
they run a fishing shop by the dock, often taking ppl by boat to fishing
This + being bullied by 3 stooges... must be a real lonely life
Man.. thank god I never got hit by a gangster
Anyway, he stepped into the boxing world ever since a boxer helped him
out when he tengah kena whack by the 3 stooges
And who was that boxer?
Takamura MAMORU!!!!!!!!!!
More on this guy later
So, after obtaining his pro boxing license, Ippo officially stepped into the boxing world
Kamogawa Genji, Ippo's Trainer, Ippo believes in him and his training methods completely

One of the best seconds in the world (:
Makunouchi Ippo vs Sendo Takeshi For the Japan Featherweight Championship!!
Oh yea, earlier on there is a match of Ippo against Mashiba Ryou
This scary looking guy. MUST WATCH!! Around episode 20 of the anime (ending of season 1)
The movie(after season 2) shows his first title defense as the Japan Featherweight Champion
against Sanada

There are two kinds of boxers
Infighters and outboxers
Ippo is an infighter
They initiate fights by stepping into the opponent to achieve close range combat
Very aggressive boxer, usually boxers with powerful punches are infighters
they must also be able to take a beating
its not always easy to step into the enemies range of punching
It takes
I think its good they made him an infighter... i prefer aggressive fights not passive ones
I'll explain outboxers later
As the story goes on, Ippo faces many opponents, all having different backgrounds
and different styles of fighting
The series never fails to introduce a strong enemy for Ippo
Incredible, and each time Ippo works hard to train himself in a way that would defeat
his opponent
I'll explain more on Ippo's abilities later
Now this guy
Wait wait.. let me give u a better view of him
Takamura Mamoru in his WORLD championship match
Yes... THE WORLD!!
Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : His abilities vary, he's a genius boxer despite his character
Hobby : Making fun of ppl at the gym, women, being his usual crazy self
Dream : To conquer six weight classes!!

All I can say is he is CRAZY LIKE ME!!
he enjoys torturing ppl and making ppl feel inferior to himself
Insanely strong, so he usually gets his way HOHOHO!! (:
I guess they added him in to add more humour lol
And did I say he's INSANELY strong? WAY more than Ippo
His match Against the Junior Middleweight World Champion Bryan Hawk is a MUST WATCH!!
Bloody hell it was the best match I EVER SAW!!
Bryan Hawk is a champion who NEVER trains
he detests it
he enjoys women only, and he came to japan for female delicacies, he
takes his match with Takamura so lightly that he is detested and
disrespected by whole of japan
"give me all your women, i'll give you all my GENES, and in
20 years that's how YOU'll GET A CHAMPION BWAHAHA!!
Were his words
*Ahem* Ahem* sry got carried away... moving on.... lolz...
Miyata Ichiro
Boxing Personality : Outboxer
Abilities : Cross Counter, Jolt, Jolt Counter, Corkscrew Counter, Speed Hell
Hobby : Training, boxing, acting cool (lol)
Dream : To prove to the world that his dad's boxing is the greatest of all
Ippo's first ever opponent when he first entered the gym!!
Miyata has been trained by his dad since young to be a boxer(poor ippo)
Miyata's father was a pro boxer and was Oriental Pacific Boxing Champion(OPBF)
before his retirement (one level below world champion, like the name says, oriental pacific)
Miyata watched at ringside as his father was dealt a devastating blow that ended his
career early as a boxer
From then on as a child he decided that he wanted to show the world that his father's boxing
was not wrong, that it is the best in the world
Opposite of Ippo, Miyata is an outboxer, just like his father
An outboxer keeps his distance from the opponent, landing punches as the opponent
draws near, and most outboxers rely on counters to finish opponents
Ever since they met in the gym, he and Ippo became rivals

Soon after he left the gym, and promised to meet Ippo in the pro ring someday
(boxers from the same gym can't fight each other)

More on his abilities later
Aoki Masaru!!
Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Frog Punch, The Look Away, Feign Death
Hobby : Boxing, Cooking Ramen, all kinds of jokes and pranks at the gym, etc
Dream : The Japan Lightweight Championship
Kimura Tatsuya!!
Boxing Personality : Outboxer
Abilities : Dragon Fish blow (What kind of name is that!?!)
Hobby : Working at the flower shop, boxing, pranks with Aoki (although he usually
gets into less trouble)
Dream : The Japan Junior Lightweight Championship
These two and Takamura form Kamogawa Gym's Comedy gang LOL!!
Sometimes they get so bored of calling both Aoki and Kimura, they call them "Aokimura" LOL
They get combined here and there cuz they seem lower in the ranks of the gym haha
Even their finishers get combined!!
Frog Punch + Dragon Fish Blow = Frog Fish Punch XD HAHA!!
Haha, these two are more important to the anime than u might think
Comedy is always important, remember that (:
Like Ippo, they were brought to the gym by Takamura after they both lost to him
in a street brawl (win against takamura? NO WAY)
They wanted to seek revenge but somehow.... in the end started boxing
Yet they still never beat him =.=
Kimura Tatsuya vs Mashiba Ryo is a must watch!!
It's another movie after season 2 (just like the ippo and sanada match)
The two of them never ever became champions, although they've been in boxing
for a long time
they sound so useless right? lol
The blond hair guy next to ippo is itagaki manabu, he comes in pretty late in the series,
so they dont really hv pics, so it'll save me the explanation (:
In short he's a different type of outboxer from miyata, but talented nontheless (:
His match with Imai Kosuke is worth watching
If Ippo is a Boxer from west Japan then..
Is from East Japan
Also known as
The Nanikawa Tiger
Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Smash, overpowering aura(sort of)
Hobby : Boxing, Looking for worthy opponents, Street Fights
Dream : Like Ippo, he also wants to know what it's like to be strong
After seeing Ippo's videos, he feels that he has finally met a worthy opponent
He plows through his opponents like a tiger looking for fresh meat.
His aggressiveness earned him the name Nanikawa Tiger
Here is a character who receives has a lot of fans!!
His explosive punches and never back down attitude won the hearts of readers
Seriously... his boxing style is scary. It's like he's going to devour u in the ring literally
That's how overpowering he is. One of the boxers that can match Ippo's dangerous punches
I guess ppl like characters who obliderate their opponents completely with raw power huh?
Like I mentioned earlier in this post... SENDO TAKESHI VS MAKUNOUCHI IPPO IS A MUST WATCH!!
Go tiger GO!!
He used to get into plenty of street fights as a kid, if you read Hajime No Ippo Gaiden,
its a special episode made just for Sendo!!
It shows his youngers days where he was a rebelious student who would fight
for the students who were bullied
Here's the link if u want
It's not connected to the series, so u can read it first if u like (:
It just tells of Sendo's past, what made him what he is today.
U might already like this guy once u read it (:
U must be wondering whose the guy with the lion hair lol.
Date Eiji
The Japanese Featherweight Champion before Ippo
Boxing Personality : Infighter I think
Abilities : Corkscrew Blow, Heartbreak shot (ouch!)
Hobby : Spending time with his family, training
Dream : To make up for his loss to Ricardo Martinez
Date Eiji first became japanese champion at the age of 23
his quick rise to stardom gave him a shot at the World Boxing Championship Featherweight Belt
He lost on round 2 to Ricardo Martinez, and retired
5 or 6 years later, he returned from retirement and became Japanese Champion again
(this is during Ippo's zaman now)
Yes, Ricardo Martinez(left) defended the World Title for over 10 years
10 Years wth!?
And in his entire boxing career he never lost a match
He isn't just a champion. He's a Legendary Champion
Date Eiji went to challenge this man for a second time
The match is in season 3 of the anime... WATCH IT!!
How will the match go?
Shouldnt spoil it for ya (:
Such a long post, hadn't had one in a long time
The top Moves in Hajime no Ippo!!
Makunouchi Ippo :
1) Dempsey Roll

one of Ippo's best moves in the Series
He weaves at extreme his head in a horizontal figure 8, like the infinity sign
Then he releases a barrage of left and right hooks onto the unsuspecting enemy
This move shows Ippo's desire to attack and defend at the same time
Weaving ur head in a figure of 8 makes it hard for opponents to catch u
and with the momentum you put ur entire body weight into each punch
Deadly (:
Deadly isn't good enough to describe it
I'll let the video do the talking
Ur mouth will be left hanging
(note : This move was named after Jack Dempsey, the user of the Dempsey roll many years ago)
However, the dempsey roll has one major weakness
In later parts of the series he discovers it, and tries to perfect it
Yes, so the dempsey roll u saw in the video....
Isn't complete (:
Imagine what it will be like next time? HOHOHOHOH!!
2) Liver Blow
A left handed upward punch to the right side of ur body (liver area)
Ippo's liver blow broke through many ribs (:
Trust me, i've watched the series
This move is pretty gay, with his power
(yea if u saw the video above i'd think you'd agree)
3 ) Gazelle Punch
Also Ippo's move, bends his knees, and jumps to form a diagonal uppercut
Ur legs act like a spring to increase momentum and damage to the opponents jaw
anyone say SHOOOOOR YUKEN?
if you watch street fighters in those days lar (:

Miyata Ichiro
4)Cross Counter
Miyata used it against Arnie Crocodile for the OPBC title (starting of season 3)
A cross is when the opponent throws a straight, and ur hand goes something like...
Yeap, that's a cross counter
Miyata has weak punches compared to Ippo, so counters are actually suitable for him
you're using the momentum of the opponents punch + ur own forward momentum
It's like two cars banging into each other from opposite directions (worst kind of collision, physics lol)
except u dont get damanged at all (:
damage x2 ... incredible stuff
This is a 1-hit KO move, if executed properly
However, the risk is extremely high, since if ur timing is off even one bit, the opponents punch hits u first, and all the momentum goes to u instead of him.
That means... either he dies, or u die
quite the gamble (:
5) Jolt Counter
When attempting cross counter, if u put ur entire body weight into it, then only its Jolt Counter
Which is even more deadly than a normal cross counter
Miyata eventually evolves his cross counter into this (:
6) Speed Hell
Miyata only acquires this much much later in the series
I just only read it yesterday, chapter 800++ around there
in his match against Randy Boy Junior
His speed drastically increases
Which takes outboxing to a whole new level
The opponent can only guard as you pummel him while circling the ring endlessly
even if he decided to counter attack, he can never catch up with u
This move has 2 weaknesses
a)lack of power since u cant put much weight behind ur punches (ur always moving)
b)in trade of extreme speed, u run out of gas, ur stamina is cut for a long time until u can recover
this move has its use nonetheless (:
The ultimate counter
... I decided im not gonna spoil it for u guys (:
8) Frog Punch
Haha, aoki's finisher!!
it looks pretty stupid compared to the gazelle punch...
u basically squat all the way down like a frog and jump up to land an uppercut to the opponents jaw
haha, but it suits aoki well in a way
9) Dragon Fish Blow =.=
what name is this...
he had an arrowana fish.... (is that how u spell it?)
And that's how kimura came up with the name
... hm... hving trouble describing this one
just watch it la ahaha ^^
10) HeartBreak Shot
Sorry if the image is not clear... lazy to find a good one
Date Eiji's Finisher
A corkscrew blow straight to the heart
If hit, it paralyzes opponents for a second, and leaves them defenseless
That second is all he needs to land a KO blow
Imagine, u cant guard it at all, u'll take the next blow at full power
Good luck (:
Ippo learns to use this as well once later in the series (:
11) Smash
This move was used by Sendo in the dempsey roll video
he sends an uppercut with his knuckles faced up instead of down
It'll tear ur head off if ur hit
So sry, its getting late, i gotta wrap things up, its 4.30am.... Got moral at 1pm later
Oh yea, i forgot
Mashiba Kumi, supposedly Ippo's gf... but Ippo's such a slow paced guy when it comes
to relationships so.... It's really slow lar lol
Oh... Mashiba Kumi a sister of one of the boxers mentioned above, can u guess? (: hahaha
U won't believe ur eyes man
It's a love triangle
Ignore the bottom left one she's aoki's gf lol.. =.=
The bottom right is itagaki's sis, they appear late in the manga so she hasn't appeared in the anime yet so there's no pic
Ah.. that should be all!!
I'm so tired... I wanted to sleep earlier and continue in the morning... but i was afraid
i would be too lazy to continue this post
So... what the heck just finish it lor
Oh yea
Boxers hv weight classes,
imagine a 47kg guy fighting a 95 kg guy, one punch would
shatter the 47kg dude
that's y they are divided into 11 classes
the lightest being below 48kg (light flyweight)
Heaviest being above 91kg( super heavyweight)
Ippo is in featherweight class (54.1kg-57kg)
Just wanted to let u guys know haha (:
So they hv titles for each weight class
Takkanlah everyone fights for the same title lol
Takamura wishes to conquer 6 weight classes (that's 6 titles lol)
Will his dream come true?
(Junior middleweight, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, cruiserweight, heavyweight)
Goodnite..... its 4.40am.......
Jason I know ur gonna wake up soon for work....
for all u anime lovers/addicts/lifeless ones/ OUT THERE!!
The anime with over 60 million copies sold world wide!!!
With a series lasting more than 10 years!! (Still going too)
And currently with 86 long Volumes!!

Rated to be the ONLY, yes ONLY!!
Boxing anime in history of anime!!
The author is so rich man... more than 60 mil copies of this series
has been sold
It is currently at chapter 853, i just only read it yesterday
Yeah, the anime is barely half way there, so I decided to read the manga starting
from chapter 370 like that (cuz that's where the show currently is)
I read 500 chapters online
Got a problem r?
1 chapter has about 20 pages
500 chapters x 20
equals 10 000 pages....
(I think u guys must be imagining me sitting in front of my comp
clicking 'next' 10 000 times...)
Haha.... Back to our topic!!
Oh, and a note, I suggest you guys watch the anime first then only at the middle
there read the manga
Cuz the drawing in the manga at the start not so good
Biasa lah, most anime artists need a while to be good with the pen
so anyway!! Our main character

Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Gazelle Punch, Dempsey role, Liver Blow
Hobby : Training, Fishing, Boxing
Dream : To understand what it's like to be strong
The story starts with Ippo being a student who is always being bullied at school
He has very little social life because he often helps his mom out at home,
they run a fishing shop by the dock, often taking ppl by boat to fishing
This + being bullied by 3 stooges... must be a real lonely life

Anyway, he stepped into the boxing world ever since a boxer helped him
out when he tengah kena whack by the 3 stooges
And who was that boxer?

More on this guy later
So, after obtaining his pro boxing license, Ippo officially stepped into the boxing world

One of the best seconds in the world (:

Oh yea, earlier on there is a match of Ippo against Mashiba Ryou

against Sanada

There are two kinds of boxers
Infighters and outboxers
Ippo is an infighter
They initiate fights by stepping into the opponent to achieve close range combat
Very aggressive boxer, usually boxers with powerful punches are infighters
they must also be able to take a beating
its not always easy to step into the enemies range of punching
It takes
I think its good they made him an infighter... i prefer aggressive fights not passive ones
I'll explain outboxers later
As the story goes on, Ippo faces many opponents, all having different backgrounds
and different styles of fighting
The series never fails to introduce a strong enemy for Ippo
Incredible, and each time Ippo works hard to train himself in a way that would defeat
his opponent
I'll explain more on Ippo's abilities later

Wait wait.. let me give u a better view of him

Yes... THE WORLD!!
Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : His abilities vary, he's a genius boxer despite his character
Hobby : Making fun of ppl at the gym, women, being his usual crazy self
Dream : To conquer six weight classes!!

All I can say is he is CRAZY LIKE ME!!
he enjoys torturing ppl and making ppl feel inferior to himself
Insanely strong, so he usually gets his way HOHOHO!! (:
I guess they added him in to add more humour lol
And did I say he's INSANELY strong? WAY more than Ippo

Bloody hell it was the best match I EVER SAW!!
Bryan Hawk is a champion who NEVER trains
he detests it
he enjoys women only, and he came to japan for female delicacies, he
takes his match with Takamura so lightly that he is detested and
disrespected by whole of japan
"give me all your women, i'll give you all my GENES, and in
20 years that's how YOU'll GET A CHAMPION BWAHAHA!!
Were his words
*Ahem* Ahem* sry got carried away... moving on.... lolz...

Boxing Personality : Outboxer
Abilities : Cross Counter, Jolt, Jolt Counter, Corkscrew Counter, Speed Hell
Hobby : Training, boxing, acting cool (lol)
Dream : To prove to the world that his dad's boxing is the greatest of all

Miyata has been trained by his dad since young to be a boxer(poor ippo)
Miyata's father was a pro boxer and was Oriental Pacific Boxing Champion(OPBF)
before his retirement (one level below world champion, like the name says, oriental pacific)
Miyata watched at ringside as his father was dealt a devastating blow that ended his
career early as a boxer
From then on as a child he decided that he wanted to show the world that his father's boxing
was not wrong, that it is the best in the world
Opposite of Ippo, Miyata is an outboxer, just like his father
An outboxer keeps his distance from the opponent, landing punches as the opponent
draws near, and most outboxers rely on counters to finish opponents
Ever since they met in the gym, he and Ippo became rivals

Soon after he left the gym, and promised to meet Ippo in the pro ring someday
(boxers from the same gym can't fight each other)

More on his abilities later

Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Frog Punch, The Look Away, Feign Death
Hobby : Boxing, Cooking Ramen, all kinds of jokes and pranks at the gym, etc
Dream : The Japan Lightweight Championship

Boxing Personality : Outboxer
Abilities : Dragon Fish blow (What kind of name is that!?!)
Hobby : Working at the flower shop, boxing, pranks with Aoki (although he usually
gets into less trouble)
Dream : The Japan Junior Lightweight Championship
These two and Takamura form Kamogawa Gym's Comedy gang LOL!!
Sometimes they get so bored of calling both Aoki and Kimura, they call them "Aokimura" LOL
They get combined here and there cuz they seem lower in the ranks of the gym haha
Even their finishers get combined!!
Frog Punch + Dragon Fish Blow = Frog Fish Punch XD HAHA!!
Haha, these two are more important to the anime than u might think
Comedy is always important, remember that (:
Like Ippo, they were brought to the gym by Takamura after they both lost to him
in a street brawl (win against takamura? NO WAY)
They wanted to seek revenge but somehow.... in the end started boxing
Yet they still never beat him =.=

The two of them never ever became champions, although they've been in boxing
for a long time
they sound so useless right? lol

so they dont really hv pics, so it'll save me the explanation (:
In short he's a different type of outboxer from miyata, but talented nontheless (:
His match with Imai Kosuke is worth watching
If Ippo is a Boxer from west Japan then..

Is from East Japan
Also known as

Boxing Personality : Infighter
Abilities : Smash, overpowering aura(sort of)
Hobby : Boxing, Looking for worthy opponents, Street Fights
Dream : Like Ippo, he also wants to know what it's like to be strong

He plows through his opponents like a tiger looking for fresh meat.
His aggressiveness earned him the name Nanikawa Tiger
Here is a character who receives has a lot of fans!!
His explosive punches and never back down attitude won the hearts of readers
Seriously... his boxing style is scary. It's like he's going to devour u in the ring literally
That's how overpowering he is. One of the boxers that can match Ippo's dangerous punches
I guess ppl like characters who obliderate their opponents completely with raw power huh?
Like I mentioned earlier in this post... SENDO TAKESHI VS MAKUNOUCHI IPPO IS A MUST WATCH!!

He used to get into plenty of street fights as a kid, if you read Hajime No Ippo Gaiden,
its a special episode made just for Sendo!!
It shows his youngers days where he was a rebelious student who would fight
for the students who were bullied
Here's the link if u want
It's not connected to the series, so u can read it first if u like (:
It just tells of Sendo's past, what made him what he is today.
U might already like this guy once u read it (:

The Japanese Featherweight Champion before Ippo
Boxing Personality : Infighter I think
Abilities : Corkscrew Blow, Heartbreak shot (ouch!)
Hobby : Spending time with his family, training
Dream : To make up for his loss to Ricardo Martinez
Date Eiji first became japanese champion at the age of 23
his quick rise to stardom gave him a shot at the World Boxing Championship Featherweight Belt
He lost on round 2 to Ricardo Martinez, and retired
5 or 6 years later, he returned from retirement and became Japanese Champion again
(this is during Ippo's zaman now)

10 Years wth!?
And in his entire boxing career he never lost a match
He isn't just a champion. He's a Legendary Champion
Date Eiji went to challenge this man for a second time
The match is in season 3 of the anime... WATCH IT!!

Shouldnt spoil it for ya (:
Such a long post, hadn't had one in a long time
The top Moves in Hajime no Ippo!!
Makunouchi Ippo :
1) Dempsey Roll

one of Ippo's best moves in the Series
He weaves at extreme his head in a horizontal figure 8, like the infinity sign
Then he releases a barrage of left and right hooks onto the unsuspecting enemy
This move shows Ippo's desire to attack and defend at the same time
Weaving ur head in a figure of 8 makes it hard for opponents to catch u
and with the momentum you put ur entire body weight into each punch
Deadly (:
Deadly isn't good enough to describe it
I'll let the video do the talking
Ur mouth will be left hanging
(note : This move was named after Jack Dempsey, the user of the Dempsey roll many years ago)
However, the dempsey roll has one major weakness
In later parts of the series he discovers it, and tries to perfect it
Yes, so the dempsey roll u saw in the video....
Isn't complete (:
Imagine what it will be like next time? HOHOHOHOH!!
2) Liver Blow
A left handed upward punch to the right side of ur body (liver area)
Ippo's liver blow broke through many ribs (:
Trust me, i've watched the series
This move is pretty gay, with his power
(yea if u saw the video above i'd think you'd agree)
3 ) Gazelle Punch
Also Ippo's move, bends his knees, and jumps to form a diagonal uppercut
Ur legs act like a spring to increase momentum and damage to the opponents jaw
anyone say SHOOOOOR YUKEN?
if you watch street fighters in those days lar (:
Miyata Ichiro
4)Cross Counter

A cross is when the opponent throws a straight, and ur hand goes something like...

Yeap, that's a cross counter
Miyata has weak punches compared to Ippo, so counters are actually suitable for him
you're using the momentum of the opponents punch + ur own forward momentum
It's like two cars banging into each other from opposite directions (worst kind of collision, physics lol)
except u dont get damanged at all (:
damage x2 ... incredible stuff
This is a 1-hit KO move, if executed properly
However, the risk is extremely high, since if ur timing is off even one bit, the opponents punch hits u first, and all the momentum goes to u instead of him.
That means... either he dies, or u die
quite the gamble (:
5) Jolt Counter
When attempting cross counter, if u put ur entire body weight into it, then only its Jolt Counter
Which is even more deadly than a normal cross counter
Miyata eventually evolves his cross counter into this (:
6) Speed Hell
Miyata only acquires this much much later in the series
I just only read it yesterday, chapter 800++ around there
in his match against Randy Boy Junior
His speed drastically increases
Which takes outboxing to a whole new level
The opponent can only guard as you pummel him while circling the ring endlessly
even if he decided to counter attack, he can never catch up with u
This move has 2 weaknesses
a)lack of power since u cant put much weight behind ur punches (ur always moving)
b)in trade of extreme speed, u run out of gas, ur stamina is cut for a long time until u can recover
this move has its use nonetheless (:
The ultimate counter
... I decided im not gonna spoil it for u guys (:
8) Frog Punch
Haha, aoki's finisher!!
it looks pretty stupid compared to the gazelle punch...
u basically squat all the way down like a frog and jump up to land an uppercut to the opponents jaw
haha, but it suits aoki well in a way
9) Dragon Fish Blow =.=
what name is this...
he had an arrowana fish.... (is that how u spell it?)
And that's how kimura came up with the name
... hm... hving trouble describing this one
just watch it la ahaha ^^
10) HeartBreak Shot

Date Eiji's Finisher
A corkscrew blow straight to the heart
If hit, it paralyzes opponents for a second, and leaves them defenseless
That second is all he needs to land a KO blow
Imagine, u cant guard it at all, u'll take the next blow at full power
Good luck (:
Ippo learns to use this as well once later in the series (:
11) Smash
This move was used by Sendo in the dempsey roll video
he sends an uppercut with his knuckles faced up instead of down
It'll tear ur head off if ur hit
So sry, its getting late, i gotta wrap things up, its 4.30am.... Got moral at 1pm later
Oh yea, i forgot

to relationships so.... It's really slow lar lol
Oh... Mashiba Kumi a sister of one of the boxers mentioned above, can u guess? (: hahaha
U won't believe ur eyes man

Ignore the bottom left one she's aoki's gf lol.. =.=
The bottom right is itagaki's sis, they appear late in the manga so she hasn't appeared in the anime yet so there's no pic
Ah.. that should be all!!
I'm so tired... I wanted to sleep earlier and continue in the morning... but i was afraid
i would be too lazy to continue this post
So... what the heck just finish it lor
Oh yea
Boxers hv weight classes,
imagine a 47kg guy fighting a 95 kg guy, one punch would
shatter the 47kg dude
that's y they are divided into 11 classes
the lightest being below 48kg (light flyweight)
Heaviest being above 91kg( super heavyweight)
Ippo is in featherweight class (54.1kg-57kg)
Just wanted to let u guys know haha (:
So they hv titles for each weight class
Takkanlah everyone fights for the same title lol
Takamura wishes to conquer 6 weight classes (that's 6 titles lol)
Will his dream come true?
(Junior middleweight, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, cruiserweight, heavyweight)
Goodnite..... its 4.40am.......
Jason I know ur gonna wake up soon for work....
wow you sure now this series well
ReplyDeletedo you know when they gonna release another season?