Ah... Just remembered I owed Matt a tag
Direction : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with 16 random things,
habits, or goals about you. At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and
why you would choose them
Okay, you asked for it (:
1. I am horny to the core, but somehow managed to maintain my virginity (:
2. Became host for prom night 2009 together with Jade
was too lazy to blog (:
And yea, thats me on the floor... Abit high from dancing.. A BIT only lar (:
Jason you owe me the video of me dancing!! WHERE IS IT!!??!?!?!?
3. I play Bible Black the game

Keep out of reach from children (: U guys are mostly adults la so its fine (:
The drawings in the game are incredible!! Look at the SEX SUIT THEY WEAR!!
Don't want to spoil it for u guys who will probably ask me to give the game to u
in the near future (:
250MB only don't worry!! Sharing is caring (:
Just don't tell your mom where u got it from (:
I know you guys want it HOHO!!
4. I enjoy rock climbing a lot. Excellent workout for arms really is all I can say (:
And since you guys read the blog I don't really need pics (:
5. I enjoy watching Anime/reading Manga

6. Clubbing rox!! Let's go sometime!!
I always forget to ask u lar matt
Clubbing with me is an experience I assure u (:

Yeah, sanctuary(the one at curve) is small, and meant for drinking, but hey, that didn't stop me (:
Takes alot of guts to dance in the middle alone ya know (: It was fun~
7. Used to be a breakdance... Taking a break now (don't mind the pun)
ever since I sprained my ankle on the damn trampoline. Should think of going back (:

8. Coloured my hair Green Twice!! And Green haired ppl aren't Gay lol!!
Sry, no pic of it, maybe if i coloured it a third time... hehe
9. VERY open person (: I'll talk to you about anything when the mood is right (:
And I figure if u enjoy reading this blog ur pretty open too (: or maybe ur just pretty bored... haha
10. I can't sleep at night sometimes. I would roll all the way till morning. Just like yesterday.
Can't believe I even went to climb today. Insomnia... hate it. Only happens when I go
to bed late.
11. I still sleep with my pink baby pillow. I had it since young okay!!
I'm still attached to it!!

I'm sure some of you guys still sleep with ur baby pillow RIGHT?!!?!?
12. Not going to National Service till im 21... then i'll be the taiko there hahah!
But they say if differ no nid to go wor... Dont know lar... Go or not also its okay.
... Oh yea, i'd rather not shave my head bald (: *cough cough *
13. I used to judge ppl harshly. Not anymore (: It must be fun to show ppl ur right and
they are wrong, right? Nah, i dont think so, it just causes conflict and makes you lose
friends. I'm not walking down that path again. A bit is okay lar, but go easy, no need to
be harsh (: Unless they want your honest opinion
And... You'll feel much happier (:
14. I don't gamble, smoke or drink... never had gf...
It's like I'm such a good boy!!
Okay lar, most is shandy, if that counts as alcohol...
15. It's not that I don't want to have sex, I'm saving myself (:
Yea yea go ahead and say i'm missing out on teenage life...
I'm doing this for my special one (:
Sex before or after marriage? Preferrably after but if she
begs me I might give in (:
Virgin or not virgin gf? Eh.... Don't tell me you would divorce
your wife if she told u it wasn't her first time.
Now a days, if you can find a good looking + good hearted girl, its
already a bonus. If + still virgin then wow... this girl u can lelong leh
All i'm saying is... if you truely love her then such a thing wouldn't really matter.
So u ask, why do I still save myself if that's the case? It wouldn't really matter if she
truely loves you
No lar... My virginity has a price too
Don't think I'll let any girl just take it (:
I'm not gonna give it up solely for the sake of pleasure
A guy like me has a price you know (:
Wow, number 15 was long... Got carried away... Sorry...
Wait... it's my blog.... why am i apologizing!#!@#!#!
So anyway i'll make 16 short and sweet.
16. I'm the guy who'll someday change the world
Thank you!
I tag.... lazy lol.
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