What is bouldering?
Well, in short you could say a form of climbing where you require power
and balance (it is usually short distance)
Unlike endurance where u climb for long distances and time
Truthfully im more of an endurance guy, but since endurance
videos are long and generally hard to take (cuz its high up man)
I decided to do bouldering posts instead
Here is how we plan bouldering routes :D
Actually its any two, but these two are what i used when doing the route :D
Yeah, so two legs down there and ur two hands on this black one (no pun intended :D)
It's tougher than you think (:
can be applied to the rock
thanks to this rock
It's quite a distance since ur leaning to the left
(sry, forgot to highlight the lower left orange XD)
Honestly, this route was HIDEOUS!!
I suffered for 4minutes trying this route over and over
Take a look, I have a feeling ppl enjoy seeing me suffer for some reason
Second route!!
Yeah, its just one, so one of ur leg has to just press on the wall somewhere
(we call it smearing :D)
Smearing uses a lot of strength since ur not really standing on anything
but just the friction of the wall
Two hands hehe
high step, new term, remember it :D
So your handholds become your footholds, small world, no?
Yeah, later on when u get higher there are very little footholds throughout the route,
and most of ur handholds become your foothold. sad right?
your hands and tense it really hard)
You'll see what i mean in the video
This is the easy part though
every route has a crutz (is that how they spell it?)
which means its the hardest part of the route
Here it is.
Though, I was WAY too tired to complete it, completed it once, then when
I tried to do it in the video I.... nvm, see for yourself :D
Okay la i didnt finish it when i did the video hahaha
Too tired, I felt like my left arm almost got dislocated...
when trying to do that dreadful move
Okay, that's all for now, gtg bye!! :D
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