Yoyooy oyo yoyoyoy!
Guess what!
Finally went to watch MJ, I thought I never would see it ya know!! :D
You know I couldn't get anyone to go so I was like to hell with it, im watching this movie
even if im alone (:
Ain't missing it for the world hohoh!
It's a lil late, the movie was out the previous week if im not mistaken
Better late than never (:

whether or not to go for this one Gold Class
Gold class or normal Gold Class or Normal GOLD CLASS OR NORMAL GOLD CLASS OR NORMAL WTH?!?!?!? ITS MJ OMGGGGGGGG!!
Akhirnya saya pun pergi untuk normal =.="
I decided that if no tickets for normal then only go for gold class
But what were the chances of there being no seats at all for a 4pm show?
Maybe first day dun have la ahaha, but its been more than a week already
Though It'd be hard for me cuz i only read subs, well at least can watch haha :D
If really then I might want to lose my virginity before the world ends.
The only reason this movie is in the box office is because it has MEGAN FOX PUNYA
Okay, I know that about 10% of ppl out there are megan fox haters
And for her to get 90% of ppl to think she's hot she's pretty good
I mean i dont think i get even 10% of ppl to think im hot
Haha, and rumors say that she's trans?
Please don't ruin a guys dreams and fantasies
Imagine if she really was a guy, then the millions of guys
over the world would have been jerking off to HIM
(those rumors might have spread due to the haters XD)
Oh god... Let's not think about it... BACK TO MJ!!
This was my first time in factt!!! So weird...
Oh well. Just enjoy the movie (:
Testing camera :D forgot to off flash :( Man, wish I had such a penthouse!
You noe they should hv like McD or/and KFC stall right before entering
the cinema instead of popcorn stands.
I bet sure make money oneee... share profit only mah, if you eat popcorn
everytime it gets kinda boring...
too much nowadays, ITS NOT GAY LAAAA!
Be happy HOoHohoHOohOhoHo
manifestation of modern technology in the history of concerts
if it really went on :D
Sadly, it didn't
Im so brave aren't I?
There was someone sitting on my left, so I lifted up my left leg
so that it would shield my phone :D (you know the way
you would sit sometimes?)
Hehe, but don't watch it if ur still planning to go and watch the movie
This is thriller, they made a NEW MV for it, or something of the sort
Yeah, he was on that thingy that elevates him of the ground
Roxxor :D
Black or white!!!
The guitarist is HAWT!!
Seriously, not joking
Girl that plays guitar like a rock star... is just plain
Earth Song
People really like that part of the song
And finally billie jean
I think that's a wrap
Support piracy :D
Haha, well I don't say that this is legal
But hey, im not one to really follow rules :D
Haha, the blog has always been this way, with all the hentai stuff
p.s. if you are a michael jackson fan you really should watch this in the cinema
otherwise if ur just neutral i guess you wouldn't enjoy it much :D
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