OH MY GOD! Today was pretty Incredible!
I met two AWESOME new friends! Well, you see, I was asked to do some modeling for international night this friday... and the thing is..
It's a Murud outfit.. Malaysian native costume. WTH MAN! YOU CAN SEE MY ENTIRE THIGH FROM THE SIDE VIEW!!!
WTF WTF WTF WTF!!! LOL! *tries not to think about friday* XD
Anyhow! I was walking down the alleyway today next to the comp lab, then I saw two familiar faces! They were 2 girls who were also modeling in the 'fashion show'
AND BOY DID WE GET IT OFF!!! I had a great time with those two! ( it ain't what you think pervs )
We started saying Hi to EVERYONE that walked passed by. IT WAS SOOOOO FUN!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! SUPER awesome people to hang out with man XDDD So glad I met them! Man I can be SUCH a Sanguine hahahaha! Haven't hung out with such fun awesome crazy people in such a LONGGGGGG time!!! XD
And I was stressing over my assignments (I mention my assignments like EVERY single post now? aha )
Bwahahaha! I'm so happy! This blog managed to reach 100 views in a day yesterday!!! =DDDD AWESOME! I never had such good ratings in a single day before! =D I'm SO glad! Haha! Thank you to all who visit my site! It's a real pleasure writing =))))
Maybe I should go post up my blog somewhere... on networked blogs or something. But I'll have a lot of views, but most of them would be strangers. Hrm. I'll think about that next time =)

I'm lovin' this girl right here... Mm mm... =333
Most guys I know actually have trouble getting over their break ups. The thing about break ups is..
about 60-80% of the time, it is initiated by the girl, not the guy. (girl dumps guy)
Usually because girls are better at detecting when a relationship is way past gone.
There are exceptions, but definitely, more than half are initiated by girls. Remember, I'm talking about relationships, not flings.
Guys don't always get off so easy, especially if they are still in love with their girl. (Players are an exception)
The process usually goes, you meet a girl, you start to spend a lot of time with her, you feel a surge, a flow of positive emotions within you, and you. Fall. In. Love.
This girl is special. This girl is one of a kind. No other girl has made me feel this way.
You feel like the happiest person on earth. You feel like you can achieve ANYTHING together that comes your way.
Nothing can stop you. That is the euphoric emotion, and beginning stages of falling in love.
about 60-80% of the time, it is initiated by the girl, not the guy. (girl dumps guy)
Usually because girls are better at detecting when a relationship is way past gone.
There are exceptions, but definitely, more than half are initiated by girls. Remember, I'm talking about relationships, not flings.
Guys don't always get off so easy, especially if they are still in love with their girl. (Players are an exception)
The process usually goes, you meet a girl, you start to spend a lot of time with her, you feel a surge, a flow of positive emotions within you, and you. Fall. In. Love.
This girl is special. This girl is one of a kind. No other girl has made me feel this way.
You feel like the happiest person on earth. You feel like you can achieve ANYTHING together that comes your way.
Nothing can stop you. That is the euphoric emotion, and beginning stages of falling in love.
Easily. I've had a guy friend who told me personally that he could not eat for a month after his girl broke up with him. Poor guy. But I'm sure the girl was doing what she felt she had no choice but to do.
No one is really right or wrong here, it just happens that it couldn't be.
So the question really is, how DO you get over a break up?
1) There is an ABUNDANCE of HOT women
Give me a sec while I look this data up....
There are 6,911,287,052 people in the WORLD right now.
(taken from http://opr.princeton.edu/popclock/)
That's right, 6.91 BILLION people in the WORLD.
More than half of them are women! (You do know that there are more girls than guys on the planet right?)
Meaning that more there are more than 3.45 BILLION women on earth!
Let's say that 10% of them are hot in YOUR eyes, that leaves you with 345MILLION hot chicks to OGLE at.
lets say out of that, 5% are women with personality that YOU are attracted to.
Which gives you.... *counts in head*
17,250,000 possible candidates for you to date and marry.
I don't know about you, but if you meet just 100 out of these 17,250,000 WOMEN, chances are you'll fall in love =)
(And I REALLY did count in my head, just so you know, mental maths ftw. I learnt abacus when I was young =D )
So LIGHTEN UP! There are SO many HOT women out there for you, there is no reason to say that there is no girl better than the girl whom broke up with you. You just never know, really!
And I didn't even count the girls who have very attractive personalities, but are sadly not gifted with an equally good look to boot.
But hey, personality way overshadows looks man. In. Every. Way.
Get over your break up by EMBRACING this fact! It's a fact! I ain't lying here. The only thing you can do is move on. Or forever stay where you are, never knowing if there really is someone else out there for you who COULD love you back. Your choice bro.
2) Dig Deep
Remember that time? Yes, that time. That time, you were a capable, self-sustaining and attractive man. Do you remember?
You got women attracted to you. Do you remember? Even if you don't, it's there inside you. He's just not awake at the moment.
Before this relationship, that's how you were
Dig deep, and remember that man! Where are you? Where is the real you? The real you hasn't appeared for so long.
The real you is the most amazing you. And no other you can beat that. Not the sad you. Not the heartbroken you. Not the you who is unable to be honest with yourself.
Connect with yourself
And now, you must take. Action.
See that cute girl over there? GO talk to her!
Who knows. She might be the next 'perfect' girl for you!
What if she's even MORE perfect than the previous girl?
Once you understand the abundance mindset, and once you dig deep and take action towards becoming the real you, you'll find that, life is good once again =)
You'll see life through rose-colored glasses.
And remember that EVERY relationship you go through enriches yourself with experience. So take it as a learning curve for yourself. And I promise you'll do better and become an even MORE attractive person next time round =)
I hope you enjoyed this bit! Till Next Time Folks!
And oh, go get em CHICKS! =D
p.s. It's my third day with 4 hours sleep. I.Feel.So.Dead XD But t'was fun today =D
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