WASSUPPPPPPPP peeps! How's it hangin'????
Bwahahaha I sound like one of those 'cool' dudes? TOTALLY not me XD
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Thank you, thank you, you do not know how much those compliments mean to me
And how much they motivate me to KEEP making posts like these =)
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We find that many guys tend to get nervous when approaching women
It's a normal way to feel. Don't worry, it's nothing strange, ALL guys go through this phase initially. Myself included!
As I've mentioned before, it's not really about what girls think or feel about you, it's more about what YOU think and feel about YOURSELF.
You see, women are sensitive to emotional cues that depict how a man feels about himself. Whereas most guys don't have this ability. Women in general are more detail oriented and can catch those minute and tiny signals.
So, the next time you think.... "what if she thinks I'm fat.. What if my hair doesn't look good... What if I don't say something interesting? What if... She rejects me??? What if-"
You don't need to think about what she thinks about you.
What do YOU think about YOURSELF?
Just think about it, if you go up and approach her with ALL those questions constantly ringing in your head, what kind of signals would she pick up from you?
She will literally FEEL exactly how you feel about yourself.
Those doubts, worries, and lack of confidence WILL be detected by women =)
That is NOT what you want to project to a woman.
So what should you do?
Okay... Let's put it this way... When you see this picture below, what do you see?

*Drools* Wha-?
oh yeah, we were talking about how to approach women XD
Sorry, you know men can only focus on one thing at a time? XD
ANYHOW! When you see that picture, what do you see?
A bunch of SPANKIN' hot women. (Seriously...)
Now, here is where guys often damage their chances.
They tend to think that BECAUSE a woman is beautiful, they HAVE a great personality, is amazing and perfect in EVERY single way.
They become deceived by the illusion of a perfect and beautiful woman.
Reality check, NO ONE is perfect. Every single girl whether HOT or NOT, has flaws in her personality.
HELL, I've met hot girls who have NO personality WHATSOEVER.
Total turn off for me. Even though your hot, but I'm sorry babe, that alone is NOT gonna cut it =)
So when you see SUCH a hot bunch of girls (there is usually one in the group that is not so good looking to make the rest of them look hotter)
Remember, that they are NOT angels, and they are NOT perfect.
Up to this day, I have NOT met any girl who is perfect, so take it easy! The hot babe that you are ABOUT to approach probably isn't perfect either =D
They are normal human beings just like you and me.
Knowing this and actually ACCEPTING this fact helps you not pressure yourself too much when approaching girls.
At the start, you gain confidence only when your approach is a success (after you initiate approach).
But as time goes on, and as you get better, you have enough confidence beforehand (before approaching) to just approach a woman and say ANYTHING!
Being able to do the latter is how you determine your level of confidence =)
And look, don't take it too seriously.
Making mistakes IS part of the learning process.
Take things positively, at least NOW you know what NOT to do.
And eventually you just get better and better at it. Better approaching abilities, better confidence, what is there to lose really?
In FACT, go get rejected ON PURPOSE a few times. Take EVERY failure and rejection as a step forward in the direction of SUCCESS.
After a few times saying things that you KNOW will get you rejected, you will find it really isn't a big deal. This helps you relax the next time you approach girls =)
Then just go up to any woman and say "Hi, I'm _____, you looked fun I had to come and meet you" This is a simple non-needy way to approach women.
All in all, Approaching women really is just, learning how to have fun =)
And feeling really GREAT inside, and learning how to project that to a woman.
Once you have mastered this ability, then approaching women no longer becomes a huge issue, and surprisingly you will find that you will start talking to women anywhere you go.
P.S. I literally lost track of time for a moment looking at that picture XD THEY'RE JUST SO FRIGGING HOT AND THE PICTURE IS SIMPLY A MULTIPLICITY OF HOTNESSSSSSS!!! XDDD
P.P.S I love women =3
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