How's everyone doing? :)
I'm great, just a bit more busy than usual, exams soon, assignments and stuff
I'm feeling really kind, so I'll blog today :)
I bought a 'memory pillow'
I have alot of trouble sleeping at night, so it's supposed to help
And it gives dreamless nights too!
The downside?
I can't remember what my wet dreams are like!!!!! NOOOOOO T_T
Seriously. No more pretty girls in my dreams on dentist chairs....$##@!@#!@
I just had one the other day.
And it was an afternoon wet dream
I never had a wet dream in the afternoon before!
Wanna know the difference?
I think the feeling is much more intense when it's in the afternoon :)
I could actually really really feel it... yeah... But it was dreamless!
So weird!!
To use the pillow or not to use the pillow... Hm... It does help me sleep though...
I'm an insomniac at times
Curse my active mind... It keeps running
And oh ya!! I finally managed to get my caller tone for free!!
Yeah, you need to pay ur mobile service provider monthly for caller tone
And the choices of song is limited
I was able to put one of my favourite songs for caller tone
And you can even put your own songs if your into that kind of thing :)
Call me :)
Okay, on with the show!! :))))

Yeah you bet it is :)
This is an umum site!!!! Hehe...

But that's part of being a guy!! :)

He's pretty much those non-studying delinquent types
Life everyday for him is so static, go to school, come back home
to a drunkard father, eat, sleep
He nearly lost his will to really live life fully, and even detested himself
for a while
That is until he met...

due to illness the previous year
And that's when things took a huge change for him you could say :)
It pays to take the first step :)

feminine and a good homemaker!!
I mean, we guys really could use good homemakers :)
In every aspect of course, if you know what I mean hehehe.....

And I gotta hand it to this guy, in my experience it's not really
easy to help start a club.... >.>
Before their efforts take off however, comes

A girl named Fuko

to her elder sister's wedding
Yes... for everyone she meets in school.

Why was she always at school?
Why was it that people started forgetting her?

They went to see her elder sister, who teaches at the school,
and found out that Fuko actually has been in a coma for 2 years
So it isn't really her real self there
And her elder sis isn't able to see her.
It's touching and sad at the same time
So they started forgetting her and even her starfish gift
The wedding was held at the school.
But seriously. At episode 9
For a guy like me to cry... It was really touching!!

And all the students that forgot the starfish that was given to them and remembered
about the wedding
A little girl who wishes for her sister's happiness
It's incredibly touching :) And cute
The power of love? Incredible :)
appears randomly now and then)
And everybody forgets her.
Everyone including okazaki and nagisa.
But perhaps one day when she wakes up from her coma...
Anyway, as the season progresses Okazaki starts to develop feelings for Nagisa.
Oh come on, she's really kind and sweet ya know.

OMG!!!!!! She's more like a sister

Both Nagisa's parents were having high position jobs but due to some reason
they quit their job and started a bread shop

Hey! You have to say good things even when the things girls make
aren't really good at times
Well, usually lar.
Don't worry Bernie you bake fine :)

Okay let us proceed with ze other hot characters!!

But don't we guys like it rough???? >.<

Well, she's pretty fond of Okazaki as well :)

It was where Okazaki tried a charm which would lock himself up with a random
girl in the gym.
He didn't intentionally do it lar, he didn't believe the charm would work
so he just did it :)
Of course these things only happen in animes~
Or do they?

And their orgasms last 30 minutes
Or so I read in a chain letter my fren sent to me :)
Wish I was born a pig sometimes :)

Not fair :(

along the lines

This is a no-wanking area :)
Damn... Wish she was lifting the skirt up for me~~
One can fantasize right?

I'LL BE THE ONE ON TOP!!!!!!! :)

What's not to like!?
not to mention hot, sexy, smoking, shapely, voluptious, and u get the point :)

Hey I always wanted to try tennis
Now you know why :)
No lar, I genuinely want to try the sport >.>

Not something that happens in real life :)
By that meaning a girl comes over to ur place just to wake u up and make u breakfast
In real life if u want that to happen you gotta get married first man.

No one really even fed me before... I feel so lonely... The only who fed me is my mom...
There was a debate between who was hotter, Kyou or Tomoyo
Tomoyo for me :)
Kyo's actually good too, can I have em both?

It's not fair... In Japan girls where miniskirts....
If only I was born there. Come on, you can pass me off for looking Japanese

If Nagisa didn't exist then it would be the two of them together supposedly
Delinquent + Student Council President
Perfect :) Opposites attract

Deep down everyone has :)

They'd still really make a good pair though

Hell yeah it does.
But I'm shackled down with my principles and stuff :)
Hey, that's life right?
I'm used to numbing my feelings...
Everyone gets infatuated once in a while.

And next up :)

She's not as famous as her sis in terms of fanbase
She's pretty opposite, not being athletic and being very timid and shy and proper

Haha, wish a guy could be that lucky in real life. Possibly lar, but rare.

But that story its abit long so I'll not elaborate
Are there really so few good guys in this world?

That's why... Girls should avoid liking the same guy :)
He can only choose one after all. Unless you wanna be
his mistress or something
Which is bad since you might make him a playboy :)

Is it that hard when you become fresh new couples?
I wonder... Oh well :)

He's the guy who always gets beaten up just to add some irony to the anime

Miscellaneous Characters :


I have no idea who the girl is
I haven't watched the ending of season two yet

p.s. This long post makes up for my absence
I look at this and I go...

Clannad Episode 1
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