Heya It's mah Birthday!!
Yeah Feb 9 had to fall on Thaipusam... However you spell that
Many thanks to all who have wished me! (Really surprised they remembered!)
Really, it feels good to be appreciated and remembered :)
So don't forget your friends birthday
But so far no one surprised me with a birthday cake all my life...
Yeah, never happened before... Sob Sob T_T
Since I'm feeling kind once again, I'll let you all know abit more about myself
In this blog I rarely talk about myself.
I mean, there are pictures and stuff but
I enjoy talking more on things that have to do with life
So, in order for you guys to know more about me, I'll have a short quiz about myself!!

Seriously! There are so few people born in February like me!!
What's wrong guys!? START COPULATING IN MAY!!
5+9=14 mah
14-12=2 mah
2=February mah
So, I am born under the Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Let us see how true the properties of Aquarius apply to me :)

No wonder I'm so Obscene :)

Trust me girls 'mine' does NOT look like that :)
But I like the dual idea :)
If only right? Hehe... :)
I'm trying hard to find a decent pic for Aquarius here...

But come to think of it.. I do have the ) ( and the 00
If only I was a girl, guys would be pouring over my slutty body...

No, it's in fact awesome :)
Elegance and greatness shown right there!!
The symbol of the water bearer... Feels cool :)
Water is the essence of life after all :)
Symbolic of the Gods nourishing the earth with life giving energies.
One of the first to be called the water bearer is the Greek God Zeus

Don't play so much now a days.

He is one of the characters in dota.
He is incredible. He can :

Okay, let's get back on track shall we?
Aquarius Facts :
You are Eccentric:
- I'll admit, I am at times :) Some might even say all the time?
- I'll admit, I am at times :) Some might even say all the time?
You are Unpredictable :
- Yeap, once the crazy side gets hold of me :)
Unique, no two are the same
- From my experience that must be why there are so few of us and yeah, I do
feel different from other guys. In terms of my thinking.
- No use hiding it, yeah :)
You are either shy, sensitive, gentle and patient
exuberant, lively and an exhibitionist
-Tough one, I can be both. I was once really shy. But even now that shy and modest
part of me still arises at times
A breath of vision that brings diverse factors to whole, and can see both
sides of the argument without shilly-shallying as which sides to take :
- Whenever I write COL posts, I do weigh both sides of the story
before writing on it. And everyone has vision I believe :) Big or small
You hide the depths of your personality under a cloak of frivolity :
- A lot of ppl don't really know about the different sides of me. And...
Probably no one has spoken to the serious me in person :)
You are frank and straight-forward :
-More than you know it :)
Serious minded :
-Only when the situation requires me to be so
Sometimes ethereal:
-What does that mean?
Creative? Imaginative?:
Tolerant of different viewpoints :
You gotta be if you wanna understand the world :) Don't lock your mind up
Listen to everything even if you don't believe in it!
You express yourself with reason
- Hm... I guess with both action and reason
Sometimes assert Dry Humour :
-Haha, i'll leave this to u, is my humour really that dry?
Aquarias are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical :
- Hm... nearly intelligent, I could pass for that :) But there are many types of intelligence
I wonder which field does mine belong to?
Instinctly intuitive :
- I once predicted for my friend that a guy would approach her. Does that
count for being instinctly intuitive?
Philosophical :
- Hell yeah! Goes without saying! :)
Gifted in arts, especially drama :
- I'm not good in art, but drama.... I've always been interested in acting :)
I was planning to go for classes soon
Can be cold to people :
- That just brought up a bad memory :)
Able to exert an irresistable mental attraction
- Hm. I don't know about this. Not really experienced in this field
I'll keep you guys posted though :)
Ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful for life :
- I did a good job so far being single :)
Haha, just for the sake of one woman eh?
Really can't wait to meet her, whoever she is~
Disappointed whenever due to your high personal ideals demanding more from others :
- Hehe, so sorry if I've been to harsh on any of u guys in the past :)
Yeah, I do expect a lot from others as well as myself
A 97 for add maths is low for me
10A's 1B in spm is bad for me
So you get the picture? :)
Seriously... my spm results cant compare to the higher ups
If dilusioned, you do not forgive :
- Aih... Bad memory again...
Open minded :
- Guess so~
Your progressive tendencies is often expressed in writing, poetry and broadcasting :
- Writing definitely, not sure about the broadcasting and poetry :) Does making lame
parodies of songs count?
Wayward egotism:
- Ego.. Most of us guys have it :) Won't say I don't have any
Inclined to retreat from society :
- Won't make the same mistake again
Burst of emotions:
- Too general, most of us probably go through this
Cunning :
-Not really, I can be but I choose to be a bit more straightforward
Prefers Orginiality :
-Yes! I prefer original ideas, not plagarized ones... Although I support piracy lar :)
Hey thats a different case altogether!
"the Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening."
Really? I'd like to see what that really means.
Regardless, I'd still change the world someday :)
No matter what people would say :)
Erogenous Zones for Aquarius
"Sensitive areas of Aquarius are legs, calves and ankles. Any position that allows
you to touch this area will enhance his sexual pleasure"
My calves? Seriously?
Of all possible places.... =.=
I won't believe it till I experience it for myself :)
Anyone wanna stroke my calve? hehe...
Sexual Preferences of Aquarius Men
"Many women think it's a great chance to find a man, who is interested in
your thoughts more than your body. His approach is more delicate and slow as
he prefers to indulge in foreplay in any form. Aquarius man is even able to make
his partner achieve orgasm without actual contact. A confident woman can convince
him to do anything: to try incredible poses and experiments. The best time spent
with Aquarius man is when you both read Kamasutra book and invent new ideas
for improving your intimate life. Truly, you won't have the same erotic scenario twice.
He gets very excited when his partner dresses in a nurse or a chamber made costume.
Always be ready for more as it is hard to find a man imbued with such imagination
and modern seduction style."
Experiments? Costumes? Kamasutra? Orgasm without physical contact???? NO
I'm starting to feel a bit horny.... Forgive me :)
I guess my rich imagination and creativeness will have its use in bed someday :)
You can count on it :)
But that's how you keep a relationship going.
It's good to have new things, and new experiences.
Even in bed :)
I hate having the same routine, it's boring
which probably explains why my life is pretty unorganized...
And I'll kill myself if all I ever do when having sex in the future
is the missionary position or something
Ok guys thats a wrap! I'll talk more about these stuff in the future.
Happy birthday to my friend Keat Min, born a day after me!!
There was only one guy I knew who was born on the same day as me, back
in primary school. Was a skinny Indian guy, forgot his name.
- Yeap, once the crazy side gets hold of me :)
Unique, no two are the same
- From my experience that must be why there are so few of us and yeah, I do
feel different from other guys. In terms of my thinking.
- No use hiding it, yeah :)
You are either shy, sensitive, gentle and patient
exuberant, lively and an exhibitionist
-Tough one, I can be both. I was once really shy. But even now that shy and modest
part of me still arises at times
A breath of vision that brings diverse factors to whole, and can see both
sides of the argument without shilly-shallying as which sides to take :
- Whenever I write COL posts, I do weigh both sides of the story
before writing on it. And everyone has vision I believe :) Big or small
You hide the depths of your personality under a cloak of frivolity :
- A lot of ppl don't really know about the different sides of me. And...
Probably no one has spoken to the serious me in person :)
You are frank and straight-forward :
-More than you know it :)
Serious minded :
-Only when the situation requires me to be so
Sometimes ethereal:
-What does that mean?
Creative? Imaginative?:
Tolerant of different viewpoints :
You gotta be if you wanna understand the world :) Don't lock your mind up
Listen to everything even if you don't believe in it!
You express yourself with reason
- Hm... I guess with both action and reason
Sometimes assert Dry Humour :
-Haha, i'll leave this to u, is my humour really that dry?
Aquarias are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical :
- Hm... nearly intelligent, I could pass for that :) But there are many types of intelligence
I wonder which field does mine belong to?
Instinctly intuitive :
- I once predicted for my friend that a guy would approach her. Does that
count for being instinctly intuitive?
Philosophical :
- Hell yeah! Goes without saying! :)
Gifted in arts, especially drama :
- I'm not good in art, but drama.... I've always been interested in acting :)
I was planning to go for classes soon
Can be cold to people :
- That just brought up a bad memory :)
Able to exert an irresistable mental attraction
- Hm. I don't know about this. Not really experienced in this field
I'll keep you guys posted though :)
Ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful for life :
- I did a good job so far being single :)
Haha, just for the sake of one woman eh?
Really can't wait to meet her, whoever she is~
Disappointed whenever due to your high personal ideals demanding more from others :
- Hehe, so sorry if I've been to harsh on any of u guys in the past :)
Yeah, I do expect a lot from others as well as myself
A 97 for add maths is low for me
10A's 1B in spm is bad for me
So you get the picture? :)
Seriously... my spm results cant compare to the higher ups
If dilusioned, you do not forgive :
- Aih... Bad memory again...
Open minded :
- Guess so~
Your progressive tendencies is often expressed in writing, poetry and broadcasting :
- Writing definitely, not sure about the broadcasting and poetry :) Does making lame
parodies of songs count?
Wayward egotism:
- Ego.. Most of us guys have it :) Won't say I don't have any
Inclined to retreat from society :
- Won't make the same mistake again
Burst of emotions:
- Too general, most of us probably go through this
Cunning :
-Not really, I can be but I choose to be a bit more straightforward
Prefers Orginiality :
-Yes! I prefer original ideas, not plagarized ones... Although I support piracy lar :)
Hey thats a different case altogether!
"the Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening."
Really? I'd like to see what that really means.
Regardless, I'd still change the world someday :)
No matter what people would say :)
Erogenous Zones for Aquarius
"Sensitive areas of Aquarius are legs, calves and ankles. Any position that allows
you to touch this area will enhance his sexual pleasure"
My calves? Seriously?
Of all possible places.... =.=
I won't believe it till I experience it for myself :)
Anyone wanna stroke my calve? hehe...
Sexual Preferences of Aquarius Men
"Many women think it's a great chance to find a man, who is interested in
your thoughts more than your body. His approach is more delicate and slow as
he prefers to indulge in foreplay in any form. Aquarius man is even able to make
his partner achieve orgasm without actual contact. A confident woman can convince
him to do anything: to try incredible poses and experiments. The best time spent
with Aquarius man is when you both read Kamasutra book and invent new ideas
for improving your intimate life. Truly, you won't have the same erotic scenario twice.
He gets very excited when his partner dresses in a nurse or a chamber made costume.
Always be ready for more as it is hard to find a man imbued with such imagination
and modern seduction style."
Experiments? Costumes? Kamasutra? Orgasm without physical contact???? NO
I'm starting to feel a bit horny.... Forgive me :)
I guess my rich imagination and creativeness will have its use in bed someday :)
You can count on it :)
But that's how you keep a relationship going.
It's good to have new things, and new experiences.
Even in bed :)
I hate having the same routine, it's boring
which probably explains why my life is pretty unorganized...
And I'll kill myself if all I ever do when having sex in the future
is the missionary position or something
Ok guys thats a wrap! I'll talk more about these stuff in the future.
Happy birthday to my friend Keat Min, born a day after me!!
There was only one guy I knew who was born on the same day as me, back
in primary school. Was a skinny Indian guy, forgot his name.
Oh yeah, one more thing
These things are true only if u want to think they're true
If you wish to believe it then you'll find reasons to believe it
If you don't then you'll find reasons not to.
So it all depends on what you want :)
And everyone has a choice
And even if you do believe in astrology, your life should not just revolve around it
There are many things in life.
The chinese zodiac, numerology, astrology, but you should
not just rely on them to live on.
Use your will power to live on instead.
You should not live your life based on always being able to predict the future.
The future always changes. Take it from a guy whose understood
that the hard way, and made a grave mistake...
I will stop here for today, there are still things I would like to say... but not today :)
Good night~
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