Okay, It's a double post since I was away for so long!! (Refer to previous post posted
5 mins ago :)
So let us begin the 3rd camp5 post!!
Dyno Routes
and grab the next rock with your hand. I did my first ever dyno route
which is from the rock above
This is a basic beginner dyno route. Most people can do, so it's rated easy :)
Can't really tell, the wall slants inwards.
Anyway, I could only reach this one, can't grab it
But like all climbers say, 'if can touch means can hold'
Don't worry, i'll get it someday!!
Oh yea this is a medium difficulty dyno route. (Medium only you know!!)
It's further than it looks.
Damn. It's a pretty hard dyno route, you gotta be ubbre strong to do this
I think only about 3 ppl I know in camp5 can do this?
2 or 3 lar...
And yes, I couldn't even REACH this one.
Wanna see the video?
There, have fun... Damn Darren for hiding my shoe.
Next time we will post how I took revenge on him
(seriously lol...)
Credits to brandon! Visit his blog >>>> link over there
And oh yea, he didn't put in the orange dyno route
Probably because I couldn't even reach it...
WHY BRANDON!! Your so mean!!
Haha, nvm lar, we can post next time
Toodles~ exam next sunday~
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