2011 is officially over! Anddddd there's a ton of homework waiting for me to finish XD
Honestly, I just wanted to express my thoughts so here I am writing. It feels good to write again after a long time.
Truth be told, this year, many things and many times I made mistakes. It just makes me realize how human I am, you know? Mistakes define human existence
I realized I didn't always keep my promises. I also realized I didn't do everything I said I was going to do.
Most of the time, I'd say in my mind 'okay, I'm gonna do this', but in the end, I never did it.
If there was one thing I'd want to change about myself in 2012, it's this. This one thing. This habit of not doing the things I promised and said I would do.
Why? I believe that a weak mind cannot control his actions. A strong mind, however can control the body and perform well.
The best case scenario, is that in 2012 I can overcome this huge obstacle and really do what I say I'm gonna do. Get myself more organized. And everything.
Surely, it's no easy task, but that's why it's worth doing, ya know?
I had this same problem in 2010. Not sure if I improved much in 2011.
Hey, I know I know, it's not good to only focus on my bad points. I did do some good things in 2011 too.
Sometimes in public I do help people out. There was once in a book store I lent someone in front of me my popular card so she could get the discount.
I also helped a guy move his stall in Singapore when I was there for SNSD's concert
it feels good to do these kind of small deeds, it's hard to explain the feeling, but yeah. This year I did help quite a few strangers.
Mm... I must say, many good things happened to me this year too.
Memorable ones are like when I went for SNSD's concert in Singapore. Seeing them was already a huge thing for me.
But I also received fan service from Tiffany, my favourite SNSD member. The flying kiss, heart, two thumbs up and bright smile she gave me, those 5 seconds I will remember forever.

I also managed to see SNSD off at the airport. Only those who had a flight and were inside the terminal could see them board the plane. The rest were outside the terminal (cause they don't have a flight) I was one of the lucky ones (only about 5-8 other people were there compared to the hundreds of people outside)
My love for SNSD grew a lot. Ever since the concert. I became even more loyal.
It's hard for people to understand. I know how people can wonder "how can they be so crazy over SNSD? Are they that special?"
Truthfully though, I don't blame anyone for making that kind of remark. Why?
Because you can't fully understand the reason, without seeing the situation for yourself
Does anyone really know why we love SNSD so much?
Most of my friends think I love SNSD because they're so pretty and gorgeous.
Yes, but that is only 20% of the reason I love them.
Think about it. If we loved them ONLY for their looks, then our loyalty would never last. Why? Because there are definitely so many beautiful artists around. Same thing if you are with someone because of their looks, it won't last, because you will meet someone who is better looking than your partner one day.
Yes, I don't love them just for their looks. It's their personality. It really captured my heart. Hundreds of thousands of people like me have also fallen in love with them. That is why, everytime we see a picture of them, we always talk about how wonderful they are.
When we say they look beautiful, it means that they look beautiful inside and outside. And it shows in the pictures. How many people can understand?
There are 9 girls in SNSD. Each of them have beautiful personalities, and they are special in their own way, they compliment each other's personality well. If you fall in love with any one of these girl's personalities, you will slowly start to learn about the other members in SNSD and realize how close they are, how beautiful their hearts are. It's because we know how they really are like, that we can love them so much. It's not just about looks. True SONEs will understand what I mean (SONE = SNSD fans)
Most won't understand, until they see for themselves, how the girls truly are behind the scenes.
That's why. Do you see me saying anything bad about another k-pop group? No. Why? Because I don't know their personalities. I don't know how they're really like behind the scenes. I don't know, and because I don't know, I don't judge any of them. I think all k-pop groups are great, and they all are helping spread the hallyu wave. Why hate any of them? It's a waste of time. Unnecessary hatred is generated.
But I can tell you this, I know what the girls are really like. And I'm the kind of guy who tries his best to see everything from a neutral perspective.
For instance, you know that Sooyoung from SNSD has her own solo version of Sway by Michael Buble, where she does a latin routine dance with a professional male latin dancer.
A friend of mine commented "not as good as the original michael buble sway"
I agreed with him. It's true. Sooyoung did pretty okay with her vocals, but it isn't as good as the original. But the dance routine was amazing. Sooyoung totally nailed the latin dance. My jaw hangs wide open whenever I watch it.
I still look at things from a neutral perspective, even if SNSD is my favourite girl group.
And as for those who give nonconstructive criticism and hatred, I just learn to ignore it. There'll always be such people, and I don't believe they deserve to be a k-pop fan if they put in so much effort to hate any k-pop group. They should grow up and just concentrate on loving their favourite group.
Aigoo, you can see, half of this post I talked about SNSD. That's how much I care for SNSD at the moment. It's a big part of my 2011
Becoming a SONE, that is (SONE = SNSD fan)
Yeap, it happened in May 2011. I'll never forget :)
SO if you ask me, yes, 2011 was an amazing year.
2012 will be even more amazing!
Resolutions for 2012?
It's a simple one, finish college and start living life :)
Of course, to support SNSD all the way too
One day, I'll have my own cozy home. I'll be sitting at the veranda, admiring the dark starlit sky, loving everything about life. That day will come soon, I'm sure :)
p.s. Life keeps getting better and better :3