Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cracks of Life 29 : Truth within Acceptance

There are times in life

Where people say things.

Not just normal things.

Things that make you wonder

"Am I really that different? From them? Is that why they say these things?"

And you tend to wonder

Why is it that people, say such things when were all naturally unique

Why is it that people must point out at that one person who is different?

When one person does something great

It is acknowledged

When one person does something wrong

It is cursed, criticized, it's a black mark in history

Sometimes you wonder

We do 100 good things in life

But just 1 bad thing is enough to ruin it all

To make everyone diss you, criticize you and ensure your downfall

Why is it that humans are such critical beings?

Why is it that humans are unable to accept things that are out of the ordinary

When you look at someone else, you look at his bad points more easily
than his good points (criticism)

But when you compare yourself to someone else you compare your
bad points to their good points ("He's richer than me")

We can be such hypocrites (:

We always

Talk bad things

About others
whenever we have nothing to say in conversations

Kick that habit

Say something good about someone

Because we in ourselves are imperfect

Which is again, as what I stated in the previous cracks of life in my old blog

Humans were made to be imperfect

Otherwise we aren't humans

And we probably would lose our meaning to live

We, being so imperfect

Have no right to judge someone else

Unless they asked our honest opinion

Because they would judge you in return otherwise

Ask yourself how many times have you spoken bad about someone

Ask yourself how many times have you spoken good about someone

It's a truly sad thing


When you think of it.

It carries a truly important meaning

Acceptance among friends

Acceptance among family members

Acceptance among colleagues, teachers, and strangers

Along our lives, there will be times where we would need it, this


But it is not all the time we are accepted by peers

There are times you are left out of groups of friends

And your only way is to try so hard to fit in although you never will

Or even among family members, some parents may have extremely high expectations

And may never accept you for all the times you've failed them

Colleagues, teachers.

In fact we seek acceptance all the time among people of different class in society

But there has been one more type of acceptance which we all

have forgotten

The one most important thing.


Us accepting ourselves for who we are

We can't accept ourselves, because we are unable to fit in with friends and society

So we try so hard to change ourselves to fit in

For the sake of your friends liking you

You change, I change

It happens. Even as I write this, even as you are reading this.

That's the kind of world we live in.

But in the end, you discover

You don't really know yourself anymore

You get lost in a world where you don't know how you should act

Should I act that way just so my friends like me?

Even if you feel unhappy, you still do it just to please your friends

"at least now im friends with them"

Is what everyone thinks

It's kinda sad,but, I think a lot of people have walked down
that path before

As well as myself

When I was a kid, in primary, I was always so shy and quiet

I was truly afraid of what people said if I voiced out my opinions

"will they judge me? Will they hate me?"

So I just kept it all inside. Me.

But I discovered

I was truly unhappy, being unable to express myself fully

The way I wish to

My happy days became dull when I went to school

I always came back sad whenever my friends would comment about
the things I said whenever I talked

I felt... so.... discouraged. I almost never talked much in those days

Then there came a time where... I said

"I can't wait for people to accept me. Because... Maybe I was
never really opening up to them"

It took me years

But I slowly gained courage to talk a bit more each time.

And in the end

I felt a lot better about myself

And, I was never afraid even if people said I was perverted, horny
or had too much hormones

Because I was really honest with myself

So, with this blog, I don't hide anything from people

A blog reflects a person

Like how every action of a person does (:

And so you can see, I keep a pretty open mind

And, though people may criticize me and comment on me being too open

I'll not back down

I am who I am

I won't go on lying to myself

I'll try to take all those criticisms like a man (:

As much as I can

Because I want to be who I am, no one else

I don't want to pretend I am happy on the outside anymore

Being able to express yourself is a virtue nonetheless

So remember, always remember....

Be true to yourself (:

You will find friends who will accept you

You don't have to force people to accept you

They will come along in the end

Keep believing

Because the world is so vast... and everyone is unique

There will be at least one friend who will accept you for who you are

And it's never about the quantity

1 true friend beats 1000 normal friends, or maybe more

And we don't have time for so many friends anyway

So I hope, people can understand just why I am like this

I am sure some people totally cannot comprehend why am I so
sexually aroused?

Everyone is different

Accept them for who they are, they should change only if they want to


It's okay to give friendly advice though

It is always welcome

So what is the truth within acceptance?

Acceptance is something gained

Or earned


You have to earn it slowly

Not all friends will accept you

But overtime some will, once they know how you are on the inside

People can usually tell subconsciously whether you're lying to yourself

But the people themselves may not realize it

The sixth sense is a gift most of us have but in which we do not utilize to the max,
only at a subconscious level mostly

Some severe cases of acceptance....

For guys or girls, it is the same

We wish so much to be accepted by the opposite sex that we
place the opposite sex on a pedestal

and treat him or her like a god/goddess

For hopes that he/she would accept her because after all
We did nothing wrong, we only treated him/her good

But that is not the way it should be done

Why? You ask.

Why not? I'm doing the right thing

I'm being a good man/woman

I want to show I can be a good partner

Let me just say this

"A servant can never marry a King/Queen
Because the servant always treats the King as a king
and hence the King will always treat the servant AS a servant"

If you truly like someone, do not put him or her on a pedestal

It's totally fine to be nice, but even niceness has a limit

You want him/her to be your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Then treat her like one

Not a king or queen or god

It's okay

Everyone makes mistakes, as long as we learn from it, life will be allright (:

Think of it

If someone treated you like a king then you will feel like a king
whenever she tries to please you

And so you would not treat her as an equal, even if you want to,
because subconciously you have been placed on the higher pedestal

and hence again subconciously it will be very hard for you to accept her
as a partner

Put some thought into it

Although in very rare cases, some people do not mind a king-servant relationship

Well, there are always exceptions in everything (:

So, this is just my opinion on being accepted by society as a whole

However, once again I will stress

I am not always right about everything

There are special cases, there always will be

Know yourself truly deep down

And perhaps you will find an answer

Just like I did (:

If you're strong, you definitely can do it (:

And always remember, humans are all different

Just because I'm A little, LITTLE bit hornier you don't have to kill me right (:


I feel much better now

It's good to express yourself, practice it, you can see
the tone of this post gets lighter and lighter

It's good, it shows i'm feeling really better (:

Sometimes I can be deep, if I really want to

But it takes a lot of mind power, I'm actually kinda tired now hehe....

Hope you guys enjoy reading

I don't want this blog to be just about pic of girls real and fake ya noe

I want this blog to have variety

So I always try to post something different

For the sake of my fans, I work hard (:

Special Thanks to Karam, who always follows my blog

Danny Lo, Elliot, Sue May who always laugh at how I dare to post such crazy posts

Wee Vien, Kimmy, Ken Ee, Michelle Tan, they do drop by sometimes... and jason, jian, jenny? Not sure if they still read hahaha

Emlyn who just RECENTLY read my previous post LOL!! XD

Who else... Actually, everyone else who reads this blog!

Whoever you are (: I'm always happy whenver ppl say they like my blog

I truly feel like what im doing is paying off haha

And me being a guy makes it harder to blog, people generally read girl blogs just
to see girl pics


Thank you everyone!!

Have a great night (:

And thanks for all d support so far, I truly appreciate it ^ Infinity

Aishteruze Baby*

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