Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update on Life

Finally! I'm glad. The second event for my club is starting soon.

I'm happy we came this far. Looking back to a time where we had no members.

The hardships taught me a lot. Even now I'm still learning new things as we progress.

Even though there are many things we can improve on, and we are far from perfect. I still appreciate what we've got. And we're really bringing some change to the college.

It's exciting to see people who do not even know how to play ping pong join our event. It's really about participating and just getting experience and living college life to the fullest.

I tried really hard to have a females category going in our ping pong tournament, and it really happened.

Previously, I could easily say that not many girls would participate in a tournament, but now that we actually have the category running, people will start to change their opinion about that.

To those who joined, despite not knowing how to play, hats off to you. It shows you have the guts to do what other people who CAN play but are too afraid to do, which is join the tournament.

I can't thank you enough, to everyone, including participants, and my members, for all the support. We'll definitely make this tournament a success as well, just like last time, no, we'll be even better now.

We're going to really make a name for ourselves. We can do it. Even though many obstacles await, we shall challenge them and move forward.

Within the club I created a culture.

We laugh a lot. A hell lot.

We review books. A hell lot.

We play games. A hell lot.

We have fun. A hell lot.

We have events. A hell lot.

Where there is little laughter, there is little success :)

Someday, I hope that KBU's culture will change too. Everyone will be active. Positive. Happy. That day is yet to come, but I'm building towards it :)

I said this many times since a long time ago. If I can't even change my college, then how can I make a change on a bigger scale?

Even though for now my goal is to get married, my even longer term goal really is to change the world.

When I was younger, it really was my hope to change the world. It's possible, it appeared in my thoughts after all.

Even though that time I was less confident, and less courageous.

I still believed. Today, I still believe it will happen.

Just like how I believed that the female category WILL happen. And it did.

The power of truly believing in something, is really amazing.

I look at my members now and wonder... My, how young they are :)

Sometimes they are easily angered

Sometimes they are so active

Sometimes they are so emotional

Sometimes they surprise me

Sometimes they their potential shines like the light

Sometimes they disappear, and I don't see them for a while

Sometimes they don't realize that a really bright and happy future awaits them

But all the time, I believe in them.

They remind me of myself a few years ago when I first entered college.

I was a real rascal :) Now, I really have toned down a bit.

Still, I must say, my final year in college really couldn't be better :)

It's like... you could say it's a wonderful conclusion for me. Haha!

It's so strange... My circle of friends really change from last year. It's like a 180 degree turn.

Im fine with it though, I don't mind change, I think change is good once in a while :) Change teaches you many things.

hm... I suppose that's pretty much it for today :) no fancy pictures, I just wanted to express myself a little. :)

Great things are to come, and I cannot wait! :D

Gnite :)

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