Monday, April 4, 2011

What Women Want from Men =3


It's me, dan the man and Imma BACK~! =D

Man, I sure post stuff out pretty frequently nowadays for a blog. MUST BE A PHASE! Oh well! Enjoy it while this phase lasts peeps! I usually only update 2-3 times a week actually.

And I'm actually up to my neck with assignments, but still, I can manage =)

Had erm... 3-4 hours of sleep yesterday XD MAN I SO NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP! ARGH... Look at all these wrinkles.... *sob*

OKAY that was weird.


Hm! Now I believe, here is a VERY interesting question.

WHAT do women want from men?


As the saying goes, "women only want one thing, EVERYTHING"

BWAHAHAHA! I'm serious.

But now now, let us not get carried away.

Although there is some truth in that statement, there really is a few basic things that women want from men.

And really, it is up to you whether or not, as a guy, to provide it.

I'm not here to make your choices, or anyone's choices for that matter.

I'm here to educate men about women. What you do with that knowledge is entirely up to you. I am only here to share.

Why? Because by sharing everyone learns more. Win-win situations are by FAR my all time favorites =3



Before we go into the juicy details, there is one thing, that I would like to bring up.


Read that again and say amennnnn~!


It's really, the truth =)

Studies have shown that women averagely talk more than men.

Women use about 5000-8000 words a day

2000-3000 vocal sounds to communicate and 7000-9000 body gestures

totaling to 18,000-20,000 communication words that women use on a DAILY basis

Men in comparison use 2000-3000 words, 1000-2000 vocal sounds, 2000-3000 body language gestures.

Totaling.... 7,000?

I mean like... seriously..... 7 THOUSAND??!?!? Thats like 1/3 of women's 20 THOUSAND!!!!


Usually, once a man returns back from work, he has finished his quota of 7,000 words, and does not really have any desire to continue talking.

WOMEN, on the other hand, may not have finished her quota, depending on what she has done all day. If she has stayed home all day, and has not met many people, it probably MEANS that her 20K quota has not been achieved yet.

WHICH means, they're gonna talk to you at the dinner table =3

Girl : Hey darling... It's good to see you back. How was your day like?

Guy : Good.

Girl : So did you settle the deal with that business partner you were talking about?

Guy : Yeap.

Girl : Any word from your parents? How are they doing?

Guy : Fine.

Girl : We definitely haven't seen them in a while huh? Maybe we should go back home one of the days?

Guy : Yeah...

And SO ON!

This usually ends up in the guy feeling interrogated, so instead he asks HER a question.

Guy : So how was your day?

Girl : OH! It was so great. I was in the grocery store shopping and GUESS who I ran into? That's right! Our aunt Becky! It's been SO long since I last saw her! Did you hear? She is moving to Bahamas soon! And of all places! Also, the weather forecaster mentioned something about a sunny day, so I decided to wear my blue tank top! You know- the one I bought that day - when we were on holiday over in the states? Anyway, over at my best friend's office they said there was a strike on how the staff are underpaid and.... bla bla bla

She tells him EVERY single detail about her day. When the man, just wants some peace and quiet. This is because she wants to finish her quota of unused words.

The man is a hunter, and he is not used to so much talk after a long day of work.

However, due to this, women tend to feel ignored and unloved after a while.

NOW here is the CATCH.

Women, as you know, LOVE to talk. And that is all they really want to do. TALK.

However, guys, see it as girls asking them to SOLVE their problems.

The man, trying to help, continually interrupts her.

Girl : And I nearly slipped and fell today! it was slippery and I was wearing high hells and it broke and -

Guy : I told you not to wear those heels! They are definitely uncomfortable and you might really slip and fall someday! It's dangerous! Wear trainers, they are safer!

*he thinks, problem solved!*

*she thinks, why doesn't he just listen?*

Girl : And when I got back to the car, the tyre was flat! It was so fru-

Guy : (interrupts) You should get it checked everytime you fill up at the garage! That way you won't ever have to go experience flat tyres again

*he thinks, that's another problem solved, phew!*

*she thinks, why is he always interrupting me instead of listening???*

*he thinks, do I have to solve EVERY problem for her?*

In the end she ignores the interruptions and goes ON talking =)


Guys, if there is one thing I can tell you about what women WANT.

It is for you guys, to SHUT UP and LISTEN when she is TALKING.

Neither does she want solutions to her problems

She just WANTS you to listen to her TALK.

If she wants solutions, she'll ask for them.

So remember, not to get carried away with trying to solve ALL her problems.

This is actually, very good news for men, because ALL you have to do is SIT down and listen.

After the entire session, she will be happy.

And like they say, a happy wife is a happy life. Believe that =3

In fact she will think you are the BEST listener in the world! And you will be a wonderful man in her eyes =)

We men gotta understand that women express their day-to-day problems by talking, and it is really important to them, and they don't need much else other than your undivided attention when talking.

As long as your responses indicate that you are listening, she will be happy =)

This is how you show women that you can be supportive of them and bond with them.


I had my own experience about this too.

My friend who is a girl had a crush on this guy

And everyday

She would talk to me. Talk and talk and talk.

About him. And I would just listen

Problem was. I was always TRYING to offer SOLUTIONS!

I always felt... "Damn, what should I say now? Ah... I feel like I can't give her any good ideas"

But now I realize

It's not about offering a solution!

It's all about being a good listener!

She used to tell me that I was a good listener

Cuz all I was doing was listening. And that was all that she needed.

Not very hard to ask for. You don't have to crack your head for solutions to her problems at least XD

In those days, women often belong in bigger families, so they have many outlets for talk.

Nowadays though, families are smaller, and sometimes you become the outlet for talk. So do not in anyway, make her feel rejected

It is important to train your listening skills, for women will really feel appreciated if you seriously pay attention to them when they speak.

And I'm not kidding. It might sound like something small, but it actually is something vital that is a HUGE problem in most relationships.

I'm sure you guys, understand what I'm trying to say, so although we men by nature are problem solvers and lunch - chasers, it doesn't hurt to stop trying to solve everyone's problems and instead just LISTEN.

Next post, I'll talk more in depth about this subject, and help explain why women love to talk, and why they are such great talkers.

TILL TOMORROW!!!!! =33333

p.s. my classmate just tagged me in a post on our assignment due dates on fb. IM.SO.DEAD! XD Anyone wanna listen to my rants? HAHAHA! =3

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