Monday, August 9, 2010

Fellowship And Professionalism

HEYYYYYY~!!! I just had some brain food today. Always feed your brain with plenty of food everyday so you don't get rusty =)))) like.... thinner??? it removes rust right??? RIGHT?!!?!? XD

Today I was thinking about this.

In any clubs or organizations, we are always taught to be professional, people have been telling me over and over again to be .... professional.

Fair enough, it is important to be professional.

What is professionalism?? It includes not taking your emotions into account when it comes to work or club matters, for one.

But let's FACE it. We cannot just let our emotions slide. In the working world, it's all about taking sides, favouritism, and politics? perhaps? Inside the organization.

IF we were truly professional then there would not be any of those things. Does this mean to say that all organizations are unprofessional?

I dislike it when people tell me to be professional. Honest. Because I know, that ALL of us cannot just ignore our emotions. We are human beings whether we like it or not.

When you like that person you will be more obliged to do something for him or her

When you dislike that person you'd rather not work with him or her.

You can call this favouritism, to put it simply.

So, if being professional means ignoring your emotions THEN :

-you can't show that you are more friendly when working with ur good fren
-you can't show your disliking-ness when your working with someone you dislike

In other words....

Professionalism is almost like wearing a mask. (hiding your true self)

Or maybe it IS about us wearing a mask?

It can be, depending on how you look at it

It's a matter of perspective.

Maybe wearing a mask is a crude way to put it.


In the clubs I attend in college, there are two

one, I feel, is not really professional, its all about the emotional talks and bonding and stuff like that

Another one, tries to implement professionalism, but I feel it is not effective

When you are in a club in college, why isit we can't just enjoy ourselves? Must we be wearing masks in front of each other?? Must we really be so professional??

To be honest I think we should not be that way, in the working world, perhaps we can make exception but come on WERE STUDENTS!! Can't we just enjoy our college life??!?!?!?! what's with all the professionalism bull crap????

I just want to have a good college life. Having fun in the college clubs. But what with all the professional stuff... I just don't enjoy it.

The second club usually has fellowship gatherings to help bond with each other.

But hey hey, doesn't this contradict professionalism??? Doesn't this cause us to close one eye because we know our members on a personal level??? EXACTLY!!

It just contradicts itself. I don't understand. Why do we need fellowship if the club wants to be PROFESSIONAL!?!??!!?!?!?!?

This is what I don't get...

Professionalism can't exist alone

It exists with favouritism, politics, and everything else there is in an organization. It's part of it.

But then you say.... "what if even though we know our friend, we still be professional and just ignore their feelings when were doing work?"

That's just..... in my honest opinion, a bit heartless. I don't wish to treat friends that way, at least not in my college life....

However in the working world probably this cannot be helped. We must put on masks. We must ignore the other person's feelings in order to get the job done.

Are the clubs supposed to teach us to put on masks??

I disagree. Clubs are supposed to teach us how to be leaders and how to work with others. Putting on a mask... at this level should not be so necessary.

We need to be close and honest with each other and gain each other's trust to work effectively. Putting on a mask is the total opposite.

It's not the kind of club I want..... I'm going through certain problems too, myself, at this point in my life.

I'm trying my best to deal with it, but it is truly hard for me to put on a mask and ignore my feelings.

BUT it is however, no excuse =)

I must do what it takes, i think i can use both professionalism and fellowship to run the club effectively.

Professionalism, to communicate with those who wish to be professional

Fellowship, to communicate with those whom I can get close to and earn their trust.

If I can separate these two and use them effectively in different situations....

Then perhaps things will change for my club =))))

I hope things work out ^^ I'll do my best.

I must make



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