Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Me? My story?

Was talking to a friend just now, and I just had inspiration to blog once more.

I start to wonder as I once did many years ago about my own life. It's purpose.

The reason we find a soulmate? Perhaps so we could find a different kind of love.

The way we express our love to different people in our lives is what makes that love. Different.

For me, I just need someone who can support me, throughout my life, even when I'm at my worst.

Being able to care for someone is one such way of expressing love.

Humans want to care for one another, but often times we are hurt by one another, also

That is why we are so afraid. To love.

That's why we are so afraid, to make the same mistakes again, because the pain of betrayal is not an easy one.

Then again.... We cannot live without being able to love somebody else. At least, some point in our lives, we have fallen in love.

Not once, not twice, maybe we forgot how many times.

Emotions are what makes us human. Ignoring it would mean ignoring what makes us human. Then we become... monsters?

Yes, I've seen many heartless people who dont have emotions.... Who truly resemble monsters. Let us not be one of them.

Instead let us embrace our emotions. Wisely.

The brain and the heart must be synchronized if one is to achieve piece from within.

When the heart and mind disagrees, so much friction occurs within.

So much, so that tears flow like a river, never ending and never stopping.

I've seen people who are deprived of love. It is a sad sight.

Yet I am unable to love. Not completely, yet. I feel that is one of my greater or perhaps greatest weakness.

Perhaps I still cannot face the truth, in certain aspects. Perhaps, I haven't understood love fully?

Or perhaps, love is not something that is meant to be understood?

But I know, love is giving, and not selfish, it is willing , and not unwilling, it is filled with hope, not with despair,

it is a source of strength, not a weakness

it is a human emotion, not a child's play toy.

We should always take someone's emotions seriously.

Mess with it and risk calling forth irrepairable damage.

Yet. We find it so hard to love someone.

If, we try to love someone, and failed at loving that person

It means , that was not love

It means, we did not know how to love that person properly

Because love does not hurt somebody. It brings joy and brings smiles to people all around us.

I do not believe that love can hurt somebody.

I always, always, try.... my very best, to make people laugh =)

because it is what brings joy to people =)))

happiness and laughter is the what fuels and feeds the soul.

Even if i humiliate myself a little bit... but so what =)))

It's nothing compared to being able to see people smile =)))

it is... such a small price to pay for me =)))

If you can be selfless

Then automatically, eventually, emotions like jealousy and hate, will automatically disappear

But it takes quite a person to be able to reach that level =)

I would like to believe that I am able to love and not hate, but that is not yet so, I believe =)))

I have a long way more to go , on a spritiual and mental level , at the very least =)

So I will, try my best, to understand and give love =)))



Beautiful =)))))

Greatful =)))))

Joyful =)))))

Wonderful =))))

and most of all, it gives us, a good enough reason


Love life ^^

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