Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Programming + Climbing

What does programming and climbing have in common???????????

Well, one requires you sitting in front of the comp all day, the other requires you to go outdoors or indoor climbing gyms and bust your ass out doing routes ~!

But I enjoy both ^^ very very very much

Today, had classsss =) morning and afternoon

Enjoyed afternoon class more =) ahhhhhhh, revision exercises for c++


And to think MONTHS ago, before the end of my PREVIOUS semester

I was CRASHING my brain trying to finish up my maze assignment

Now when we come back to revision I forgot everything XDDDDD


But I did really well for the maze XD Though it could have been better~!

I started late, I admit XD but I was lucky la! I had some really good ideas for the maze, and I managed to somehow carry most of it out. Though sometimes you might have big ideas, you need to put in big efforts as well to make it come through

There were loads more I wanted to implement, in that maze, but due to lack of time I couldn't XD

HMMMMM, let me see... I think I still have some info on my maze stored somewhere... hold on...

*digs up some computer files*



"Welcome to Little Hero Dan! (Version 1.0)

This is a unique style type maze with monsters and characters seemingly from RPG games

Maze :

-Three maze, grass maze, ice maze and undead maze
-All mazes are randomized, unless loaded from a save file
-Terrain perks (darkness, slow, etc) yet to be implemented
-Current maze settings can be displayed through game edit option

Hero Info :

Warrior - brave, courageous and strong. Well rounded character. His propaganda "To arms men!!!"
- Has highest health (3 hits to die)
- Has highest stamina
- Average move speed (monsters move once for every step you take)
- Skill [Crescent Slash] - the warrior swings his sword causing the winds to rip apart and damage enemies (eliminates one enemy) (range 5 boxes away) ('a' hotkey) (consumes 10 stamina)
- skill range can be modified through game edit
- Loses 1 stamina for every step taken
- Life will be restored at the start of each map

Note : Other classes yet to be implemented (thief and mage)

Treasure Chests :

-can be opened with a key. Press 't' to open treasure chests
-Keys are a random drop loot from monsters
-1000 points per treasure chest opened
-Number of chests can be changed through game edit

Diamond :

-Grants 500 points
-Is one of the random drops from monsters
-Can be found around the map
-Number of diamonds can be changed through game edit

Food :

-Grants 100 points and 10 stamina
-One of the random drops from monsters
-Can be found around the map
-Number of food can be changed through game edit

Monster :

-Releases projectiles with range 7 boxes (default distance) dealing 1 damage to your character
-Unlimited stamina
-range can be modified through game edit
-can be killed with warrior skill [Crescent Slash]
-Will drop a random loot (food, key or diamond)
-500 points gained per monster killed
-Monster moves one step each time a player moves
-Monster movement is random
-If a monster touches your hero it is instant death

Range Skills :

-Take note that with a range of 5, you will hit objects 6 boxes away.
-The animation ends at box 5, but damage still applies to the 6th box
-However this also applies for monsters
-So monsters with a range of 7 will hit you if you are 8 boxes away
-The monster also moves before launching its projectile, so it will hit you from 9 boxes away! Considering it moves towards you direciton
-Hero range by default is 5, monster is 7 to promote a more challenging gameplay!
-Feel free to adjust according to personal preference

Known Bugs :

-One bug that I have yet to fix is where the hero is not hit by a projectile,
but takes damage
-For some reason this only happens in 1/50 or 1/100 games

In game commands :

Movement - arrow keys up, down, left, right
Open treasure - 't'
Crescent Slash - 'a'
Pause - 'o'
Save - 'p'
Quit - 'Esc'

Tips 1) Save often
2) Avoid long corridors, especially if monster range > your range
3) Kill whenever possible, it will reduce the time taken to move
4) Best way to net a kill is when monsters are walking across, not towards you
5) Use game editor to adjust the difficulty and test the program (number of monsters per map, monster projectile range, your hero projectile range, etc etc)
6) Remember that settings are set to default once you exit program
7) Treasure chests net the most points (1000) Since you need to kill to get a key, you will be getting 1500 points per chest
8) Work hard play hard program hard!
9) Thank you for playing (: "


ZOMGGGG~!!! You have NOOOOOO idea how long I took to implement everything!! I didnt get to do mage class and thief class

I had some really great ideas for them~! Thief would be the type that moves 2 steps instead of one, and they can turn into stealth mode and deal backstab to earn extra points, and they dont need keys to open treasure chests~! Sooo, he is more of the point - getter kind of hero, but he has only one life la that's the problem XD

Mage would be more of a damage dealer. Moderate health , which is 2. Spells like firewall and chain lightning will block and affect monsters in a line. And Also under certain "fulfilled conditions" mages will be able to cast the spell known as "end of earth"

The mage sacrifices almost all his energy and life, in order to cast the spell, leaving only 10 energy. For every energy sacrificed, one bolt of lightning will strike on a random area in the map, possibly obliderating all life forms on the map. haha! But maximum 30 lightning bolts XD hence you can only do this when u are below 40 energy points.

BUT ITS SO SAD I COULDN'T IMPLEMENT THATTTTT~!! T_T I even wanted to put those teleporting panels for mages to use so they can teleport all over the map with those

Didn't have time, I started late, so I only did Warrior Class

And the only SKILL I managed to implement on warrior class was... Crescent slash XD It's a pretty okay skill, easy to kill monsters, its a projectile launched 5 boxes away. I also made him the highest life, 3 lives. And also I wanted him to be able to chop trees and stun monsters too. Butttttt, probably his skills will be not as good as the other two XD he has the most life though hah!

And as for map! The first maze is grass maze, and I should implement slow poison, if u hit slow poison trap

The ice maze, I wanted to implement frozen conditions where you will be frozen for a few turns if you hit the ice trap

And finally the undead maze , I WANTED to implement DARKNESS. Where they whole screen will turn dark for a few turns, as you move.


Ah, well, I was so sure this game would be so fun if I completed programming it XD I had some pretty good ideas there! But now I'm too lazy to continue finishing it

There is one major weakness in this game though. The time. For one turn. Because every monster takes time to move, then launch their projectile. SO imagine 10 monsters, moving one by one, they dont move together unfortunately. So it's a bit time consuming la if too many monsters on the map LOL!

BUTTTT overall, the concept was really good! I really liked the idea I produced XDDD I had sleepless nights doing it too.. Okay I slept, but I didnt go out for a whole month because I had to catch up since I started doing it late XD

And everytime you play the game, the maze is different! Yeap! Its randomized! And there is ALWAYS an entrance and exit, eventhough its randomized! I really took a longggg time to produce the AI (artificial intelligence) to produce the random map aha!

This is to enhance re-playability. And let people not get tired too fast of the game~!

Yeap yeap! I hate being boring XDDD sue me!

Implemented monster drops, after you kill monsters, treasure chests, food (gain 10 energy per food) and etc etc!!

Also... Had to work on making the monster projectile (fireball) hit and make contact and damage the hero. And also the warrior's crescent slash, hitting the monster, killing it, and making the monster drop items. (key, food, diamond etc)

A lot of stuff la in other words! I totally had fun ^_^ freedom really is the best!!

I wonder what kind of project we have to do for Year 2~! I can't wait =))) Maybe it won't be as game-oriented as the maze, but I think I will still have fun programming anyhow ^^

I really enjoy it... for some weird reason aha! I like thinking a lot =)))

Though most people just think I'm some blurr guy lar~~ Well, you can't always show everything to everyone ya know =))) Who knew I was a programming geek on the inside???

I believe all of us have a side we don't show others. Maybe were afraid people won't accept us for who we are?

But if it's one thing programming has thought me

When you come across a problem. Keep looking for a solution. In producing that maze, I met with at least 50-100 different kinds of problems. Some took me days to solve. But I persisted, and I kept looking for alternatives to solve it.

Instead, most of us choose to avoid problems in our daily lives, instead of facing it. No matter how much we cry, how much we worry, the problem will still be there unless we find a way to OVERCOME it. I could have just sat down and said "ahhhhh, screw this, there's no solution to this programming problem"

But I chose not to, because instead of wasting time and energy complaining, why not spend it on trying to solve the problem at hand?

Programming has thought me to be persistent, no matter what. It thought me this. There is ALWAYS a solution. The mind's boundaries is limitless. Never box yourself up. A solution is always there, we just haven't thought about it yet. So keep thinking. Keep trying. Who knows where you might end up?

So for all you future programmers out there. Never. Give. Up.

That's the golden rule =)

And now, it comes to climbing~!

True enough, not MANY ppl who are in computer courses do sports.

But hey, you don't have to stereotype yourself to be just like them just because your in that course~!

So that's y I climb =) I can't just stay in front of the comp all the time. I gotta get out there and work out =)

The mind body and soul are 3 entities that needs to be nurtured and enhanced. It's all about balance. Though, I don't know if just enhancing one of those 3 to the maximum and ignoring the other 2 would be good. I guess it would be good and bad.

So for now Imma stick to balance =) Mind = programming, body = climbing

Soul? I wonder =) I haven't found a solid way to nurture the soul yet.

Maybe I have, but I haven't realized it? Or maybe I haven't at all =) I'll perhaps find out one day.

Today I climbed, but what happened was... Ahhhh, had this sharp pain in my right shoulder.


It's gone for now though. I hope it doesn't come back. Been working on an overhang boulder route. I'll do my best to finish it

I just hope my arm can tahan.... .AHHHHH, i don't want to get injured like how I did two years ago...

Amitabha amitabha amitabha~!!! I HOPE ITS NOTHINGGGG!!!!

SHould i go see doctor?!!?!?!!?!??!

No laaaaa, i think its okay one...

its nothingits nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing its nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhh, I'll rest a few days and see how it goes. I have to believe somehow it'll heal LOL

Bouldering is damaging to the body, but I admit it helps remove your limits. In climbing.

Soooooo, I think that's it from me =)))

Programming + Climbing is a great combo. I wonder what the third one should be? To complete the cycle? Perviness? HAHAHAHA~! Berguling guling XD XD

Allright, I'll go to bed now ^^ it's late~!

Hope you guys enjoyed the post on my project~!!! =DDDDDD

Thanks and goodnighttttt~!! =DDDD

Ohhhhh, before I go, I heard this song while climbing

I youtube-d it, and I found this Kingdom hearts video~!

Made me feel nostalgic, and felt like playing kingdom hearts 1 and 2 all over again~~~!! XD

ENJOY ^^ I know I did~! (the Last Goodnight - Pictures of You)

Sora and Kairi huh =)))

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