Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution... REALLY?!?!?


Yo peepsss~! =) What a day.



IM HALF DEAD!!!!!!!!

Let me explain. I was up doing my assignments yesterday till 3-4am

Went to sleep, woke up at 9 something

Went to meet up a friend and climb. We shall call this friend PL.

You see, whenever I climb with PL, I NEVER SURVIVE.



We lead 3 routes

Then we did about 20 chin ups.

Then we did about 10 normal push ups, 20 alternate hands push ups, 10 CHEST pushups (the one you make the heart shape with ur hand) AND FINALLY 5 DIVING MONKEYS PUSHUPS WTF?!?!?!?!?! I SWEAR TO YOU MY ARMS ARE GONE!!!!!!

Okay, that was not all.


What do I mean? I'll tell you. You have to bend down on all 4, and WALK like a monkey.

CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!?!?!?!? 3 SETS!!!!!!

And also, SIDEWAYS LIKE A MONKEY!!! )*!&#$*(!&@#*)(&!@*(#&!@*)#&)(!@*#(!@!!!

It's parkour training... *!%*&#)@!*#(!*(#!@)#)!($)


So my chest hurts, arms hurts, and legs hurts.


I HAD TO DO 20 V-SNAPS (the one you lift your leg and chest up at the same time)

20 RUSSIAN TWIST!! (legs 1 inch from the ground and you twist your body left and right)

20 BICYCLES!!! (elbow touches your knee, left and right is counted as one)

20 ASS HAILS!! (hard to explain)


5 x 20 = 100!!! that is 1 set

I HAD TO DO 2 SETS!!! (*$&!@*#&*(!@&#*!@&#!


Then, CONTINUE LEADING!! OMG! I did some overhanging route, I managed to reach the top after.... 8 falls?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! DAMN CRAZY LAAAAAA~!

Next time show you guys.

Anyhow, after that, go to the cave area, BOULDERINGGGG~!!!!

we were doing a circuit. We have to climb 40 HANDHOLDS!

3 SETS!!!

120 HANDHOLDS!! ($&!(@*#&)(!@*#)(!@*#!@(#!

So yea, I'm literally DEAD RIGHT NOW!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!

I came back from 1u, oh man, it was pretty jam.

AH! Why am I here? Cuz, assignments due on tuesday and wednesday haha! That's y

So yeahhhh, would love to celebrate new years, but oh well! Studies =)

I can't screw up haha!

SO! What Have I learnt in 2010 :-

1) In the end I cut my hair~!

Yeah, I said I wouldn't but I did. Ahhh, well, it was for a good reason. But still, I did say I wouldn't cut it =/ A guy shouldn't go back on his words.

2) I didn't achieve 7a in climbing, my highest was 6b+ =/ Well! It's allright, I'll make it this year through practice and consistency =)

3) I learnt a lot about friendship and relationships. Good stuff. I enjoyed it, actually. I understand humans more. It's going to help me greatly, and I have more to learn about it =)

4) When someone hurts you, love them. No matter what. Be their friend. True story.

5) I learned that when you are faced with pain, you have two choices. Be weak, or be strong. It's a matter of choice. So choose =)

6) I know little of this world =) There is so much more to learn, that I have yet to expose myself to.

7) There are a lot of people in this world. Yet the world is a small world. Always remember to do good. Karma will come back at you. If you do good you receive good. If you cause pain and hurt to others, that's what you receive in the end. We have to understand whether we have good karma.

8) The pain and suffering enlightens us to the truth of the world. It's true, happiness is great, but it cannot exist without sadness. I'm happy to have gone through pain this year. It makes me feel alive, and I have learned much. Everything happens for a reason. And I have benefited from it =)

9) Count your blessings. There were times maybe I wasn't so appreciative of what I had, and simply neglected it. So yeah, we should always count our blessings. Often times we tend to hurt people without knowing it. So instead of looking at the bad things , look at the good things too, and you will really enjoy life =)

10) Life, is full of surprises. Yes yes yes. In fact I went through one of my biggest surprises this year. Who knew? Let's say that it was the most UNEXPECTED x 10000000000!! I still don't believe it till today. But yeah, when I was told THAT, I seriously was shocked. Ah. Man, I still don't believe it. Yeh, STILL don't believe it. okay, AND I STILL DONT BELIEVE IT DID I SAY I DONT BELIEVE IT??!?!?!


I'm expecting even more surprises in 2011. Cuz that surprise I received in 2010 was.... yea, I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IT.

Can you imagine!?!!??! Danny Siah does not believe in something. CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?!? HAHAHAHA!

Anyhow! Let's start with 2011 resolutions~!!!!! :-

1) Reach 7a FOR REAL.
2) Keep my hair =D
3) Focus on my dream to change the world.
4) Learn more about money
5) Study hard and get a 1st class honors.
6) Understand human nature and life better
7) Gain the insight ability
8) Learn learn learn learn learn learn
9) Never give up.
10) Freedom. of. Expression. Which is so so so sosososossososo important to me. FREEDOM. =)

I want to be free someday. Travel the world with more than enough money. Then one day when I am financially independent I'll give away money to those who need it more than me. So in order for that to happen, I need to understand the concept of money and master it. Use it for a good cause.

Of course! It's a dream, and it might change. Not change, more like, evolve. I definitely need to take a look at the world. There's so much to see. It'll be nice to travel.

Yes, I need to be inspired by the world, in order for me to make a change. The world has to change me first. So that is why I must go far away.

I believe that if I ever go somewhere, I will definitely change. And evolve, and become a different Danny Siah than what I am today.

And that new Danny Siah, will go on to learn even faster, be less lazy, and be more dream driven than ever. He will definitely come back and shock the world. That's who he will be =)

To the future me. 5 years from now.

You are 24, and I am 19.

This is my letter to you. I hope that, by 24, you have found the love of your life, I think that she will be very lucky to have you, and you will be lucky to have her. Love and marriage is not something selfish. I hope that you have mastered the art of being kind, and giving to those around you, whom you deep down really cared for, but was just too afraid to admit it and show love to them. And by that time, you would have a great career already, I believe, because you know how to be responsible. You know that it is important to be financially sound and independent. You know that in order to benefit everyone you need to continue learning, and giving away what you have learned so that everyone else can benefit. You love this world a lot, and by 24, you would have seen much more of this world, and love it even more. But still, you probably want to see even more of it. You will be inspired to become a great person that will bring great change to this world. Because you believe in yourself, and deep down you know you have the capability to do it. The best thing I can do now as I am at 19, is to pave the way to success for you. I will work hard, get a good grade so that you at 24 can be at your best potential. The future looks really bright right now. Because I see a man, 24 years old, standing in the distance. Yes, a man, not a boy, not a kid, but a man. He's smiling. Reading this old passage back. Thinking back of all the old memories of the 19 year old Danny Siah. Thinking, "oh, my how I've changed" So that is why, it is our promise, to make a change to the world. We share the same dreams of getting married by 25 too =)


It's funny, I can really see him now. That 24 year old version of me. I just don't know how to explain it. Like I really see him. Yeah, that's me. That's who I'll be in 5 years. I even know what hairstyle he's going to use. It's really funny... If you ask me whether he's happy.

He definitely is. Happier than ever. He's already achieved a lot at that age. I don't know, but I just know it. He understands people, and loves them. Dearly. He is the man that I cannot be today, at the age of 19.

And I see him, grabbing my hand, telling me never to give up. Never. Go on with your dreams. You have really beautiful dreams. Go get em tiger =) Is what he said to me.

So that is why, I shall pursue my dreams, and learn more about life. And that 24 year old man, will be my inspiration and motivation.

Life continues to surprise, so don't be surprised when life surprises you =)

I can't wait. Let 2011 begin.


p.s. My body still hurts HAHAHAHAHA! XD Happy new year guys, may all your dreams come true =)

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