Friday, February 4, 2011

I went home!

Heya~! In the end I managed to go home, the flood improved, so I was able to go =)

But it was a little boring, nothing much to do.

Still! I guess it is only right to go back home during CNY.

Hm, left 9 days of holidays.


Ahhh, the busy life shall be returning soon.

But for now I just wanna enjoy myself a little longer...

People do ask me what's it like to be in a few clubs, climbing, studying and doing everything else

Well yeah, it's busy

but I realized as I grew up, the more responsibility you are willing to take on, the more you will grow as a person.

People who run away from responsibility will have a lot of trouble handling themselves one day. Probably.

People also tell me I should relax and enjoy life more.

True, but it's not that im not enjoying life or anything, it's just that I'm enjoying it a little less that's all.

It's allright, I'm okay with this, I know this is for my own good.

And another reason why I take on more responsibilities is because I see it as an opportunity, not a burden.

Yes, it is like a burden, but if you look at it from another angle, you will benefit more if you are willing to carry those burdens and turn it into success.

of course, risk of failure is there, but who grows when things are easy?

On the other hand, it really is not easy. But I would not expect anything less.


I was thinking a lot about life. I wonder how my friends are. Haven't been keeping contact with them. Well, most of them la, besides my classmates and my climbing friends.

Though I only see my classmates in class and I see my climbing mates only when climbing

Other than that, not really. I wonder how my other friends are? I hope they are well and fine.

Yeah, you tend to be less ermh.... knowledgable about what happens in other people's life when you don't facebook.

Yeah, facebook turns us into such stalkers right?

True story.

It's like they make us stalkers without us really even noticing it.

Sure, it appears on your wall, but still. That's what you get for facebooking.

Though I'm sure most people dont mind aha! Were more busybody than we think we are.

On another note, it is a little lonely, but nah, it'll go away. Important thing is to focus on the tasks at hand.

Friends. Maybe I'll spend more time at a different phase of my life.


Just finished climbing today.

And I realized I also need to start stretching more. I'm so damn stiff.

Need to be able to bring my feet up higher when climbing. Argh. It's pretty important.

And yeahhhhh, my middle finger ain't doing so well =/

But I'll manage. Somehow. Today I did feel my body was really ripping apart. I'm thankful I'm uninjured.

Again, I've gotten... a lil stronger. But still not strong enough. I need to do more moves.

But I also need to get more flexible XD Ahhhh, I can imagine the pain from doing stretching... oh the horror......


I started designing another website for my course.

Was pretty satisfied with the outcome.

Passed it to my teammates to continue doing it

I'm mainly in charge of the design and compiling everything my teammates does.

So far the design received good feedback.

Ah, the satisfaction when people praise you.

Sincerely I mean. Not the kind of praise where people have 'motives'

So that's why all throughout the journey back to Johor, I was smiling LOL! Cuz I was praised over the phone in the car! ahahaha!

So easy to win my heart meh????? No la...... Well I'm just glad people appreciate and understand my work that's all =D

To be honest though, it isn't really so hard to win people's hearts, you just gotta pay more attention and put in more effort.

Not too much though or they probably will suspect something or be weary of you.


I'm gonna start playing mass effect! Hell yea I'm so behind in games. But who cares?!!!??! I like playing old games =)

hhahaha! It doesn't really matter to me when I play it. Hell if you gave me Final Fantasy 8 I'd play it too!

Oh wait... I have it on my other pc ROFLMAO!!!!!

Hmmmmm, should I???

Finally. I think I should start putting more pics in my posts. I'm just too lazy.

ah well! No worries. I guess all is good for now. TIME TO INSTALL MASS EFFECTTTTT~! =D

Tataz lovely peeps =D

p.s. ahhhh, it's so nice to be praised for your hard work~~~ =)

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