Monday, November 15, 2010


You know what? I just had a pretty interesting thought.

When we are young. What's really important to us?

Surely, it's about having a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Yesss, that's one of our main concerns in the early stages of our lives, as a teenager.

And most of the times when things goes wrong when you are going after the person you like, you'll get extremely upset

Or unhappy, sad, etc etc

But when we get older, say about 25?

What's most important? Money perhaps? Since we probably won't live with our parents anymore by that age. Even if we did it further implies that money is a problem.

What about 40? Around that age?

I see that people around that age do not put relationships as a main concern. It's not a real concern anymore, having a boyfriend or girlfriend

If you are married then, probably you still love your family a lot, but not the same way you did when you first saw your wife.

That... Infatuation feeling. No longer exists, probably.


I feel like I think ahead of my own time

Meaning it's like... I maybe 19 now but I'm thinking like a 25 year old. You know, about getting married and preparing a good financial income etc etc

When I'm 25 I probably will think like a 40 year old. It's the time we usually try to explore the world with what money we have saved up

When I'm 40 I'll probably think like 60? Probably I'll be thinking about ... What I've accomplished in life so far, was my first 40 years worth it?

By the time I'm 70 I'll probably think like I'm 110 years old? Hope I don't go nuts at an early age ahaha. I'll probably think, the knowledge and wisdom I have gained all throughout my years in relationships, money, career and everything else, should be passed down to the next generation. Otherwise it'll simply be a waste

Is that... good or bad? The age of the mind is... not the same as your physical age. Did you know that? I'm sure you do, subconciously we do know.

It can be good, can be bad, it's all a matter of perspective.

A 19 year old can act like a 10 year old

A 25 year old can act like a 19 year old

a 40 year old can act like a 25 year old

a 70 year old can act like a 40 year old

There's no right or wrong, just a matter of preferance.

It depends on what you want.

But believe me, succesful people live simpler lives than you'd think

It's un-succesful people that make their own lives complicated and create drama to attract other people's attention.

Go figure.

Really. I've seen some really succesful people, and in truth their lives are really simple. They really enjoy their life and they really have no worries.

Isn't that just simple?

I'll tell you what is complicated. Having a fixed schedule, going to work everyday. Having to worry about money, having to make a biggg deal out of small problems. Not being able to do what you want, instead you do what others want you to do. That is complicated.

You gotta know that the formula to success is really simple, everyone knows it, but not everyone has the will to do it.

Just ask anyone, how to be succesful?

Work hard, it's the most basic answer people will give you.

It's simple, people just like to make things complicated I tell you.

I sincerely believe you can be succesful as a business owner investor or employee, as long as you work HARD.

Only difference is the time you take.

That's all.

So it's okay, we might actually feel that employment isn't such a good field, but in actual fact there ARE people who do well there, and they are happy because it's what they like doing.

So yeah, just live your life the way you want it to be.

Though, problem is, only a very small percentage of people are happy with just employment.

So work hard at looking for an alternative. You'll find it.

Just follow that rule. Don't think too much.

Everything falls into place when you work hard.


Going back to age. What is the age of your mind? Have you ever wondered?

Is thinking ahead good or bad?

Generally I find it is good, for me, but problem is the group of friends I mix with are still in the age where fun is a priority.

I still do have fun, but it's no longer a priority for me.

Securing a good future is a priority.

So yeah, I do feel a bit left out sometimes, but I am who I am, I'll live a better future if I invest time in it now.


Actually, to be honest, fun STILL is a priority for me.

Why? Because when I invest in the future, it'll be easier for me to have fun NEXT time.

SO yeah, the future me will thank my past self for making this decision

Just like the future you will thank you if you start studying now for your exam that is 2 months from now.

Just think of it that way.

Studying for the future can't be a bad thing right?

The same goes for planning your future. Think about it.

Use your awesome brain and think. You'll get what I mean.

Think. Peeps. The world doesn't revolve around PRESENT fun, but FUTURE fun as well. What's really the most fun thing is just achieving your dreams.

And if you don't believe me, that's okay, I'm not here to convince anyone or satisfy anybody.

But in a few years time, you might think ... hmm, maybe he did make some sense

Several years time you might think... hey, what he said actually came true

So you might not believe me now, but you will, someday.

It does not matter what people think of you, as much as you think of yourself.

And I think, thinking far ahead is not a mistake. It's a deed to yourself.

In fact, subconciously most of you know this, but are just plainly in denial. The next thing I will hear is excuses popping out. Spare me.

Take control of your life. Otherwise you'll just be another normal human being going through a complicated life.

Being normal is more complicated than you might think, you just don't know it.

Being normal means satisfying everyone else but yourself, because you want other people's acceptance so badly.

Being normal means you don't dare to stand out and be unique and be yourself. Because your afraid other people might not accept it. So you just be normal.

Being normal means you don't live your dreams. Because normal people don't dream at all. They just care so much about what other's think about them that they forget their dreams. Their dreams remain as fantasies that they once upon a time thought, could be possible, but no more.

People just have to tell you "har? It won't happen lar"

And poof, there goes your dreams. Because you believe what people tell you.

Now that, is complicated. Living a life where you want to SATISFY everyone. You think that's simple?

Step out of your comfort zone, and you'll realize there's so much in this world, that you've missed out on.

Live a simple life. Work hard for your dreams. Ignore what people tell you. The only people that you should listen to is god, if you believe in him, your parents, your wife, your kids and yourself. The rest don't really matter. Really.

All of us are blessed with the ability to bring change. And we are all special.

Take a good look at yourself.

Those boundaries that are holding you down right now, they don't exist. Period =)

Nitez peeps =)

P.s. it's been a long time since I had a double post =) I feel much lighter now

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