Monday, March 21, 2011

2 months of HELL ahead =)

Heya! It's that time of the semester where WE get TONS of assignments! Yes! So that's why I shall call it the 'assignments screw u up' period or rather the 'hell breaks lose when assignments come flooding in' period.

And the latest assignment being, having to create a hotel reservation website with a DATABASE included, (which is the hard part since i've done my fair share of website designing)

Helped a friend out with her website design project, did I tell you that? Maybe, I can't remember, anyhow she told me her lecturer didn't teach her shiz so I ended up doing everything but that's fine cuz I wanted to design better websites anyway so it's good practice =3

She said she wanted to pay me though, I'm like WOOOAHHHHHHH~!! Hold on there girl, no need to pay me! I ain't no professional XD

But hey, some bucks would be good, she did treat me to dinner ~! I guess sometimes you feel guilty if you forget to pay someone back for their good deeds. Literally.

Anyhow, I wonder if I'll die from assignments like I did the previous sem? I was in serious shit last time. Hoho, I wonder if this time will be different? My guess is, probably not.

5 assignments coming up, oo, delicious. I'm so freaking dead. But that's ALLRIGHT cuz I heard from a good friend that YEAR 3 IS A LOT WORSE!


On a side note, Just got back from a Student Council trip to Port Dickson

Was kinda fun, though the sign where we took our group picture read "Port Dick on" *smirks*

And I've been watching videos about the Japan Tsunami, I pray for you folks

You guys are my main source of porn, please live on and produce MOAR masterpieces =3

But seriously, I wish you guys well =) It's hard to have an earthquake, tsunami AND a nuclear reactor meltdown crisis all 3 at once without anyone is starting a riot.


Anyhow, the trip was kinda good, though the location was bad, we were next to a shit-dumping-site. So yeah, you know those ponds where they dump poop in? That's where we were aha!

At least we were near the beach. Although not nearly near enough (it's about 20mins walk)

Hmmm, had a chat with 2 friends on the beach. Both were guys. I know, gay, but it was fun, and something weird happened. And I don't wanna go into the details oho. =)

It got me thinking that hey, it's kinda sad it was only 2 days 1 night? At least we got to know the members better. We sure have some really good new members with a good heart for the council. I hope things go well for them when their time comes, even though they probably will never read this.

And that got me thinking again. The only real reason we get into the council, or any club for that matter, is really just to make friends.

More than making friends, we learn to create relationships with people. A form of bond that is unbreakable with time. I think that's what really counts, not much else.

Cuz whatever you learn other than how to create relationships, might not be so applicable when you go out into the 'adult world' as they like to call it. It's probably a lot more different and harder in many aspects.

In that department, I suppose I still could use work. It's given me a lot to think about.

In the trip, we had a heart to heart discussion with everyone. In a circle. We talked about the weaknesses and strengths of each people.

I admittedly mentioned that I was secluding myself from people and the reason was I couldn't find friends that had the same kind of mindset with me. I don't like hanging out with people who don't really have clear directions in life. Cuz they're gonna affect me sooner or later.

Sometimes I feel like I should'nt be too judgemental of friends. But from another point of view, how can I help it if I really feel like I don't fit in anywhere?

A friend mentioned that I don't always finished what I started. I get all excited over a new idea, and then *poof!* my enthusiasm and my energy VANISHES. I find that really true. In many ways.

I kind of lack that "stickability" that makes you 'see things through to the end'

It happened A LOT. I thanked him for pointing that out. Gotta work on that.

Generally I don't have a lot of 'stickability'. It's like, I don't have a specific group of friends. I haven't been in a relationship, and I have this ability to go *poof* just like that from anyone's life. It's kind of a weird ability, but it's both good and bad depending on how you look at it.

Yeah, and loads of other stuff. Can't really remember. But I remember not having enough sleep at all.

So yesterday when I got back I slept from 8pm to 8am the next morning

Lovely shit.

And I enjoyed making horny jokes in the trip. Was fun.

I'm sure I gave the new members a real "EXPERIENCE" oho =)

There was one dude who had to do this dare where he had to shake everyone's hand

I shaked his hand and kissed it. Lovely. Hoho... =))))

Oh, and lately, I kind of discovered that corporate life is kind of .... SUCKY? Yeap, not that I experienced it first hand, ohhh no, I just had a SMALL taste of it. And it tastes like crap. Enjoy your student life while it lasts, you'll miss it when the time comes =)

Hate your lecturer all you want, but I'll promise you you'll feel like KILLING yourself when you have a boss =)


When I was watching philip de franco talk about the japanese tsunami, it was really kind of touching

His mom called him cuz she was worried that he was in venice at the time of the flood, but he was actually in texas at the time.

Then phil said, there are people in the world who called their family, and no one picked up.

When you think about it. It's true. And it's really sad at the same time.

And it made me feel like I'm not doing anything to help people. Not even donating whatever money I have or anything of the sort. When you think of it seriously, humans are nothing without each other, that's why we have all the reasons to help one another. And I don't feel like I'm really doing anything to make a difference. And that thought kills me inside sometimes.

It seems that natural disasters have taken a really huge toll on things. One after another. I'll be shitting my pants when one day Malaysia is no longer safe. Think about it, if this continues not even Malaysia will be safe.

It's so weird, we are so powerless when it comes to natural disasters. Are they really god's punishment to us, if he exists? I'm speaking for both believers and non - believers here.

War is going on in Libya, and well it seems like the bad guys are gonna win this time. Oh, well, it's always about oil isn't it?

Did my writting style change? Yes, a little bit. Hoho, must be philip de franco's influence on me. His shows are good, I like it. He's good at what he does =) So do check him out, and incase you really are curious, I have one of his videos down right here, so do enjoy =D

On a side note, this really is one of his good ones =)

tata ~

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